tis_i Member


  • 54, returned to MFP but this time with a Fitbit. Lost 20lbs a few years ago right after going gluten free but stalled out after that. Would like to lose 15 more so I can be stronger and have more stamina.
  • Yay! Good for you for reaching out instead of just stopping and going away! We are all in a marathon, not a sprint. Take it easy on yourself. At some point all of us were probably in shape and able to go, go, go. But that was then and this is now. You wouldn't tell any of us to give up I'm sure. So, be as loving and kind…
  • I got the impression that Bill was just joking about eating so many brussel spouts :) jjoh553028, I'm starting slowly and only walk at a speed that I can do and have a conversation (mostly). I walk a long time sometimes (60-100 minutes) but I start very slow (1.3/mph) and work up to only about 2.3-2.6mph. Yesterday, I…
  • One thing I like about the treadmill is that its private. I really don't like going to a gym. As outgoing as I am, generally, I feel like a fish out of water in a gym. Setting up my treadmill with a 'desk' and monitor on the wall that I can hook to my laptop helps me get going though. Christine
  • Wow, Bill, now that some moving!