

  • Absolutely. I feel its important to have a record of both the good and the bad. This way if at the next weighin there hasnt been a loss it gives you some indication of why. "The most important person to be true to is yourself"
  • I have just completed my first weighin since starting on mfp and am stoked to find a loss of 1.7kg. I was hoping for at least 1 as I am feeling really good and have been very diligent despite a blowout on Saturday. I realise that it wont be this much each week but that is certainly encouragement. Gives me the strength to…
  • I would like to be in on this. Dont go to the gym, but use my Wii fit and cross trainer. I am hoping to do 5 each week and have done this week (my first one ). However work and life gets back to normal tomorrow. I think it would be a good idea to record on here when we do it.
  • I really like your goal setting idea. Much better because as you say those are the things you can really control, the weight drop will come in response to that.
  • Hi yep it definitely gets harder. I will be 58 in 3 days time and until recent years didn't really have to bother about my weight. One reason it becomes harder, (or has done for me) is that body parts just aren't what they used to be. I have fairly bad arthritis for which I take regular medication and this makes some…
  • I dont have 100lbs to lose (actually since I'm in Australia I have to think in kilos) but I am happy to chat and offer encouragement any time. Today is my first day of mfp although I have done other programs before. I think definitely work in small steps, forget the total amount for now and celebrate each and every loss.…
  • Yep thanks for that, I guess I just have to get into the swing of it. I was thinking of something along the lines of the little calorie booklet you sometimes used to see at supermarket checkouts!! However I am sure it will be quite easy and largely common sense. Probably will just create a little excel table for myself for…
  • Hi, I also have just joined the group and am hoping that as this is the beginning of a new year it can also be the beginning of change for me. I have started this type of thing many times before and had great results, only to gradually slip back into old habits and the weight goes back on. I had a heart stent put in last…