Anyone here over 50?



  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    52 here. Very different ballgame for me in the 50's and post-meno, too. I think at about 49 someone stole my body and part of my mind in the night and replaced them with somebody else's! lol :wink:

    Energy levels for exercising way down.
    Having to figure out how to work out within the limitations of what I can do rather than just getting out there and doing whatever exercise whenever without any thought. (arthritis an issue now, and also joints get sore easier at this age)
    A friend of mine 10 years older said don't stop doing anything once you hit 50 or you may not be able to start doing it again! I believe she is right.:ohwell:
    HAD to give up running due to arthritis 2 years ago:sad:I had been an avid runner since I was 17!! --I now run in place on a trampoline.

    I still lose weight pretty good at 1200 cals, but don't have as much of a choice of WHERE it comes off OF.
    Example: My lovely post-meno egg-shaped abdomen (the only place I really need to lose the weight) is still with me, it seems, no matter what!!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    52 here and it's been harder to lose and fat is storing on my waist now. I lost about 10 Pounds over 4 months with exercise and calorie reduction and have been plateau for many weeks now. I'm trying for eating a bit more. Going from 1200 to 1400 calories, upping exercise intensity and cleaner eating to see if that helps. Trying to lose 10 more by April. It's been really slow and frustrating I'm working so hard at it but I'm gonna get older either way so....

    I am definitely more cardio fit - that is for sure so that's good.
  • vonon1
    vonon1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, 54 and finding it very difficult, would love some support from others
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    I am 56, and was very obese for about as long as I can remember. I was a 300-pound teenager. A major health challenge prompted me to get serious about good nutrtion, and I have lost 171 pounds since August of 2011! You can do it! Eat vegetables!
  • claresusan
    claresusan Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 2 days away from being on MFP for a year and have lost 49kg's or 108 pounds. I also turned 50 this last May! Yes, of course it can be done. Wishing you every success on your journey to health :)
  • Di6154
    Di6154 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm another 50+ member that is also trying to adapt to a mobility disability! This is the first program that has worked for me in years. It sensitizes me to what my eating choices are. For Christmas I got the BodyMedia armband. Now I'm aware of how much or how little I move on a given day.

    Keep tracking, I'm sure you will be successful.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    I am 58 and yes it's hard but can be done. I have lost about 80 pounds since last year. What I have changed is I eat every 2-3 hours take my supplements and exercise daily doing something but my aerobics is 3 times per week.
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    Over 50 post-menopausal and thank goodness I have a sense of humour about it all. Don't let the number on your birth certificate matter, it's what you do for the next 50 or so that really counts now!
  • Lillyotvly49
    Lillyotvly49 Posts: 8 Member
    Lots of over 50's & 60's etc. I am 63 & I think all the replies you have gotten make valid points, the ones who offered some. You can search for friends with an age range under the friends tab & get support from people. Really great to share with people facing the same challenges as yourself. Good luck & keep logging in. MFP does a lot of the work so you can focus on eating right. :bigsmile:
  • Hello, I am soon to be 55 and have decided that it's time to finally take my health and well being serious. I would love to have some new friends that are taking the same journey so that we can give each other moral support :-) We can do this!!! Happy New Year, let's make it a good one!
  • Yes...53 had to think then. Have always struggled with my weight and it used to be so easy to drop 1/2 stone 2 weeks before hols, now I am lucky if I can drop 2lbs.....but have started the 2:5 fasting thing and have not been 100% commited as Christmas do's ect..but seems to be very good at keep my intrest. Those fast days are much easier than I thought they would be. Am doing 1st one of the new year today....
    am currently 5.4 10stone .6.5lbs. I do a little running (about 1-2 miles) and a little weight liftin, but starting very slowly. have had knee probs year before last.
    Am happy to join a thread for us more mature ladies.
    Happy New Year
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Just turned 50 and I realize that junk food must be eliminated from my diet. I only have 17 pounds to lose and I should reach that goal in 90 days.

  • Hello there,

    I am over 50 and happen to agree with you on the fact that it is harder to lose weight now then when I was 10 or 15 years younger. We woman are blessed with packing on the extra pounds when we have children and then when go through menopause. One good thing is that we are here now and ready to do something about it. I am looking to grow my friends list to give and get moral support. Happy New Year to everyone and it's time to get healthy and fit, we can do it!!!!!!!
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I am 50 today. It is harder to lose weight as you get older, but not impossible. My goal in fact was not to be fat and 50 and this has been achieved. I have gone from a UK size 14 to a UK size 6.

    Best of luck - you can do it!!
  • 54 here, yes it seems harder, but so much more worth it, Think about how much we now need to take care of our bodies. I am fighting to stand straight, keeep my bones strong, and my heart healthy and be hot hehe. Fight with me!!!!
  • Hi yep it definitely gets harder. I will be 58 in 3 days time and until recent years didn't really have to bother about my weight. One reason it becomes harder, (or has done for me) is that body parts just aren't what they used to be. I have fairly bad arthritis for which I take regular medication and this makes some exercises difficult to impossible. Feet, ankles, knees and hips really suffer from too much walking, even with correct shoes, so the type of exercise needs to be adjusted. I am serious about improving my diet and lifestyle this time however and I WILL stick to my plan! I think we all realise we wont look the same as we did in our 20's but we must do it for our health and the enjoyment of our later years. Happy 2013,it will be a good one:)
  • Good morning please add me as a friend. Yes it is harder to lose and the exercise if not use to doing seems very
    hard at first. I cleaned the treadmill last night and then had o take a break. whew.... then I turned it on and even on slow it was like OMG hope to report better results in a few months. But each day is a new start so the words of singing group the 1964 Impressions " I've got to keep on pushing I can't stop now Move up a little higher Someway or somehow" just change the I to we. :smile:
  • Paulpewee
    Paulpewee Posts: 2 Member
    Me!! UK based
    51 years of age and so far lost a few stone using my fitness and the trick is the Protein.
    Max out the protein get over 100g every day . Cottage cheese , Tinned Tuna, protein shakes etc.
    Trust me it works max the protein and hit the water and cut down on the caffene .
    Yep it gets harder but if you need insparation at any time give me a shout and i will send you a plan of what i eat in a day .
    Once you have your resting calorie intake take of 50 cals a day ( - 350 cals a week = 1lb loss)
    i stick to about 1450 a day im a veggie and i need that a day to be happy .

    i have 35lb to go and like i said if u need inspiring or a kick every now and then ( i do ! ) add me as a friend and lets see what we can do .
  • vg8pr0
    vg8pr0 Posts: 47 Member
    Glad to see that there are so many over 50s trying to stay healthy. I have lost the same 40 pounds at least 5 times. I am tired of hiding from cameras. This time its going to stay off for good. Today is the first day of the rest of my life!
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Hey, there are alot of us older folks here! I am 54, I will be 55 in June. I had a really hard time losing weight and over the last 5 years I had gotten extremely sedentary and my diet was horrendous. I was up to the weight that I was when I was pregnant and none of my clothes fit.
    Watching Fat, Sick and Nearly dead and starting to juice - jump started the weight loss and helped wean me off of junk food, chips, meat, pork and fried foods.
    Gradually I started exercising - first walking, then jogging and now I am doing Jillian Michaels Body revolution. She is great. I now LOVE her!
    It is very hard to lose weight but I am losing slowly and getting stronger in the process.
