

  • Sorry this happened to you. I've been working out at gyms for 30 years and frankly I've never seen that happen. I have never said anything to anyone about their form and no one's every said anything to me. Try a different gym. As far as working out with weights and cardio the same day, never heard that one. There's…
  • I don't know the answer but that is a very cool idea. Cheap, portable, easy to store, and you can use it while working. Might have to get me one of those. For that price, I just hope it lasts.
  • Take pleasure in the accomplishment. Concentrate on the gratification you get from reaching each intermediate goal. 5 lbs, 10 lbs, etc. Don't get ahead of yourself. Think about how happy you are when you do your workout every day, or when you get to the end of the day and you can post that you were under your calorie…
  • I say yes, because it does burn calories. Burning those calories and not recording it makes it harder to meet your calorie budget for the day, and anything that makes it hard to stick to the program is a bad thing. You encourage yourself to do more if you will get credit for it. Even pro athletes know you have to have…
  • No, you don't have to eat less than your BMR! That is the calories you consume if you are catatonic all day. Also, I think losing 40 lbs by December is too aggressive. I've lost 30 since last December, that feels more sustainable to me. I suggest putting in a goal of a pound a week and see how many calories MFP budgets for…
  • Definitely BS. When I was working out the hardest (lifting and cardio), I was at 8% body fat and my BMI indicated I was obese. That is not a helpful stat. Let's say you weigh 200, you hit the gym, you gain 15 lbs of muscle and lose 10 lbs of fat. Your BMI just went up. Duh, not a useful stat.
  • Not sure the baseline of comparison for most of us is concentration camp victims. In photos I have seen most Jews rounded up for the camps did not have a lot of extra fat to begin with. I'm guessing most of us on this site started out as technically obese. And I'm guessing most of us on this site have sedentary lifestyles.…
  • Always surprises me how people, even with the incentive of $250, will fail to lose weight. I've been part of these and most of the participants lose nothing or minimal amounts. There is a disconnect there somewhere.
  • Add up what you spent on everything last month and think about what a new pair of jeans costs. Then get yourself down to the store and buy a new pair of jeans with a smile on your face. And give away the old jeans immediately. No back sliding!
  • Welcome to the site. I'm a vegetarian (haven't quite gone vegan but at least I only drink organic milk and cage-free eggs!). As a vegan, don't you get tired of everyone saying "Oh my god how do you get enough protein!!!!" That is my least favorite comment. I got that last week from someone eating a BLT. Apparently they…
  • "Don't confuse BMR with the number of net calories you need to achieve your weight goal". You are taking one sentence out of context and assuming I meant she should just eat the amount of calories to equal her BMR, when in fact my comments show I am saying the opposite. When you assume....
  • Go to the "Tools" tab and calculate your Base Metabolic Rate. This is about how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose 1 lb., you need to eat 3500 calories fewer than that. Don't confuse the BMR with the number of net calories you need to achieve your weight goal. If you set a weight…
  • This site really works if you stick with it. Log everything, no cheating. Get a kitchen scale, use measuring spoons and cups. You'll learn ways to eat fewer calories without getting hungry, and you'll learn that you HAVE to work out if you want to make your net calorie goal without starving yourself. Don't get anxious…
  • Let's face it, this is all approximate. The important thing is to make a fair estimate that's consistent over time so that you know from your own experience that doing a certain amount of work a day and eating a certain amount of calories, you will lose weight.