

  • I agree with not stressing out. When I was TTC, I had no idea when I was ovulating (just got off the pill one month prior to TTC) so we made sure we had sex every day, not wanting to miss the ovulation day! It worked for us and I got pregnant that first month of trying. So maybe try having sex every day or every other day…
  • Hey, my name is Christina and I am a Feb 2011 mommy, but my LO came a bit early and was born Jan 29! I've lost all the weight I gained from the pregnancy, and more! I'm trying to get down to a healthy weight before I have my next baby (not sure when that will be). I want to be able to take nice pregnancy pictures next time…
  • I also have this problem, anyone else have any other suggestions? Chicken liver... not so good! lol
  • Indian Chicken Salad Pockets (From the Biggest Loser Cookbook) Ingredients: 1 ½ tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise 1 teaspoon lime juice, preferably fresh squeezed ½ teaspoon curry paste ¾ cup (4 ounces) chopped grilled chicken breast 1 ½ tablespoons seeded, chopped cucumber 1 ½ tablespoons chopped red onion 1 whole-wheat pita…
  • I don't know the answer to that. When I lost most of my weight the first time, I was so close to my goal and then gave up. I gained most of it back, got pregnant, and gained more. Now I've lost the pregnancy weight but need to relose everything else. I felt like you did and I let it get in my way. This time, I won't do…
  • Hey! I'm a new mom as well. My LO is 7 months on monday. I've lost the baby weight, but now I have all the rest of the weight that I needed to lose before getting pregnant (which is over 50 lbs, maybe even 60)! My LO is very high maintenance so I haven't been exercising yet. I've only been watching my calories and so far…
  • You could get a nice massage... probably more than $50 though. Maybe a mani or pedi. Or a nice new dress/shirt/whatever item of clothing you like. Or even a new hairstyle/cut, that would make you feel even better!