What's A Great Non-Food Reward?

So my goal is 135 lbs, which is am almost exactly 20 lbs. away from. I was just thinking, what am I going to do when I hit 135 lbs.? What is a great reward? So I thought I'd ask for help from my MFP buds: I'd like to reward myself when I hit 135 lbs. with something that's non-food, $50 or under and gratifying. Any ideas? Thanks!:smile:


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got a tattoo at 135# but they're typically more than $50 unless you get something small. A navel piercing would probably fit that budget, though. :wink:

    A new haircut or color, a makeover at Sephora with some new cosmetics, shoes, jewelry, lingerie, a season of your favorite tv show on DVD, an inexpensive mp3 player...
  • Risty
    Risty Posts: 8
    You could get a nice massage... probably more than $50 though. Maybe a mani or pedi. Or a nice new dress/shirt/whatever item of clothing you like. Or even a new hairstyle/cut, that would make you feel even better!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    One new piece of clothing that fits your new shape! Or a spa day - at least a mani-pedi-foot massage. Or a body massage. :love: