bosox729 Member


  • Why not look at a wrist HRM? They are the size of a watch and extremely accurate...and A LOT more comfortable! No matter what body type :)
  • It sounds like you are looking for a good wrist heart rate monitor or a heart rate monitor watch You are going to be limiting your options by wanting to spend under $80. The lowball average is about $110 or so. However, there are some cheaper models that should at least last you a year or two... Sigma Onyx Fit Heart Rate…
  • Back when I had a gym membership, I ran 1.5 miles from my front door to the gyms front door, did my workout, and either ran back or did 3-5 miles. The extra cardio did not hinder my lifting EXCEPT when I concentrated on legs. I have craptastic knees to begin with and running before I did squats was the worst thing in the…
  • Have you gone to an independent butcher or are these prices from a typical super market's meat department? Depending on your geographical location, going to a butcher shop is usually cheaper than buying the organic meat at a grocery store. As for your hot dog example, I eat NOTHING but Hebrew National :)
  • You're asking for a tall order, my friend. It's pretty hard to find any "running shorts" that aren't split. What's your shame level? I ask this because, personally, as a service to all humanity, I tend to not actually wear "running shorts". Nike has some nice ones though that aren't too awkward/revealing: Nike Men's 3"…
  • I would definitely look at some Asics or New Balance for running shoes. I've had a love affair with Asics as my primary running/jogging/walking shoe for about 5 years. Do a quick search and if you live anywhere near a big metro area, you'll be able to find a bunch of stores that specialize in only running shoes. They'll…
  • If you feel any pain while working out, your should stop and consult your doctor. However, do not confuse pain with aches. When you work out, especially muscles you haven't used with great frequency, you will notice some soreness, some stiffness, and perhaps a little discomfort. These are the aches and pains of being…