Pushing through the pain of working out

Ok so I have really been trying my absolute hardest this past week with working out. I have been walking/running around the community at work with the baby in the stroller and yesterday I actually ran almost a 1/4 of a mile without stopping. That is the furthest I have ever run in my life without stopping. Well on top of that, i have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. It has been truly kicking my *kitten*. I am so sore and have been all week, well before that too from walking and doing other things at home. Like at some points it would hurt to walk almost. Now am I supposed to just work through the pain or stop when it hurts so much it actually feels like someone is trying to tear the muscle from my calves away from the bone? Today I went to the track and I couldn't run the full track, I had to stop maybe twice because it hurt so bad. Im so mad at myself that I couldnt do more, I feel like all this is pointless and driving me crazy


  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    you know your body best if it feels that bad then stop! Do you actually have a rest day? its recommended you have 1-2 days a week without exercising so your body can recover from its work outs and allow you to get the most out of it when you do x
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    If your exercise is preventing you from future workouts, then it is a problem. The Shred can be painful. Are you doing it everyday? I've found in the past that doing it every other day allowed my muscles to properly recover and my other workouts were more intense, therefore more worth my while. Also, make sure you are getting enough protein, it helps with muscle recovery. Good luck!
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    Always listen to your body. You do not want to injure yourself where you can't work out at all.
  • bosox729
    bosox729 Posts: 7 Member
    If you feel any pain while working out, your should stop and consult your doctor. However, do not confuse pain with aches. When you work out, especially muscles you haven't used with great frequency, you will notice some soreness, some stiffness, and perhaps a little discomfort. These are the aches and pains of being active.

    I don't know what all JM's 30 day shred includes, but keep in mind, it is probably a very generic workout and not tailored 100% to your needs (whether they claim they do or not).

    When working out, just do your best and forget the rest. You are making wonderful strides in your running! Before long, that 1/4 without stopping will turn into 1/2 mile. After that 3/4 mile. After that 1 mile and so on!

    I remember when I first started running, I could do about 200 Meters at a slow jog before I was winded. I then worked my way up to 5 miles a clip every single day. However, I let myself go a bit and now I've worked my way back up to running 3 miles at 8 minutes per mile.

    What's your goal? Do you want to run a 5k? Train for a 5k. Do you just want to be healthy and fit? Then train to be healthy and fit. Knowing your limits will produce more results than pushing yourself because you think you need to. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body.

    If the pain is severe joint pain, or like you mentioned, muscle tears, stop and look at your equipment. Do you have the right shoes, etc.

    Also, and this is a biggie...STRETCH! Stretch Stretch Stretch! I spend one hour a week doing nothing but stretching. I also stretch before I go for a run, before I do push ups, before I hit the bike...whatever it is, you need to stretch.
    Good luck and be careful :)
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    I do need to slow down a bit. I guess im just irritated because im trying really hard to stick with it and it irritates me that i cant do more. But I dont want to injure myself in the process then I wont be able to do anything. The shred im doing everyday except today and tomorrow, but i did it for 5 days in a row and it was horrible! but i think to get true results from that you need to do it everyday. I am not an active person by any means so im finding all this working out truly exhausting, im aching all over and after running it feels like a constant tearing. I have shape up type shoes and i dont know if they are the best for running, any advice on that?
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I believe that the "shape up" type shoes are specifically NOT to be used for running according to the packaging. I have just tried visiting a real shoe store that specializes in runners and have been fitted with shoes that are supposed to correct my gait problems. I can't provide a verdict for that yet, but I can tell you that running in the wrong shoes has caused me unnceccessary pain and knee problems!

    I went out all gung ho (like it looks you are doing) last spring and ended up with a cranky knee and plantar facciitis. Beware! Your pain may be telling you that you need more rest, better form or different shoes. Moderation may be called for here.
  • bosox729
    bosox729 Posts: 7 Member
    I would definitely look at some Asics or New Balance for running shoes. I've had a love affair with Asics as my primary running/jogging/walking shoe for about 5 years.
    Do a quick search and if you live anywhere near a big metro area, you'll be able to find a bunch of stores that specialize in only running shoes. They'll measure your foot length,width, arch, etc. The proper shoe will not only reduce shin splints, knee pain, etc, but you'll notice a difference in your back.
    Happy Running :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Slow down sweetie! Killing yourself with workouts just isnt going to be worth it in the long run. Attacking both the 30 day shred and running is alot if you havent done either...

    My advice -- I agree with the people who said get some good shoes and make sure that you stretch good after.
    Run every other day ... and no more than 3x/week for several weeks until your body is used to it. If you do more, you could get overuse injuries.
    Do the shred on the off days for cross training...

    Do not increase mileage or running time by more than 10% every 2 weeks!

    Best of luck to you... be kind to your body!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Slow down sweetie! Killing yourself with workouts just isnt going to be worth it in the long run. Attacking both the 30 day shred and running is alot if you havent done either...

    My advice -- I agree with the people who said get some good shoes and make sure that you stretch good after.
    Run every other day ... and no more than 3x/week for several weeks until your body is used to it. If you do more, you could get overuse injuries.
    Do the shred on the off days for cross training...

    Do not increase mileage or running time by more than 10% every 2 weeks!

    Best of luck to you... be kind to your body!

    I must say I am really pleased to hear someone tell me that I need to slow down. I have been watching those shows like "heavy" and "I used to be fat" and I saw that these people work out everyday, or so it seems. I guess starting Monday, I can do the 30 shred dvd one day and walk/run/jog every other day and have sunday as a day of rest. I can feel that im not doing all good to my body right now, I know it is supposed to hurt but damn this is crazy! I will look into getting some different shoes, cause these ones actually hurt my feet when I run, which im sure shouldn't happen either. Thanks everyone for your great advice, I really appreciate it!!
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Ok so I have really been trying my absolute hardest this past week with working out. I have been walking/running around the community at work with the baby in the stroller and yesterday I actually ran almost a 1/4 of a mile without stopping. That is the furthest I have ever run in my life without stopping. Well on top of that, i have been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. It has been truly kicking my *kitten*. I am so sore and have been all week, well before that too from walking and doing other things at home. Like at some points it would hurt to walk almost. Now am I supposed to just work through the pain or stop when it hurts so much it actually feels like someone is trying to tear the muscle from my calves away from the bone? Today I went to the track and I couldn't run the full track, I had to stop maybe twice because it hurt so bad. Im so mad at myself that I couldnt do more, I feel like all this is pointless and driving me crazy

    you need a rest day......work out for six and rest on one. I take one rest day, I did two when I first started, on that day I don't do any work out routine AND I eat my calorie level that I would maintain at
    1800 instead of 1200. Smart choices for the extra calories though. Totally working :) You have to let your body repair from the work outs. When you ran 1/4 of a mile for the first time ever, you should then either walk the next day or run/walk 1/4 mile then rest day, then try for that 1/4 mile again and so on. I resisted rest days at first and ended up hurt, in physical therapy and on a "rest" day for four months.
  • JessiJK
    Check out Couch 2 5K....if you have an iphone/ipod you can download the app for around $3. It is a fabulous running program that will help you train for a 5k if that is what your goal is! It is a training program that alternates running with walking, and suggests repeating weaks or days if you need to! I couldn't run one lap around our park (1/2 mile) when I started and now I'm running 4 laps straight!