watfordjc Member


  • Not sure what you mean. 1,400 calories per day as in approximately 1,400 calories per 24 hour period. You can take a look at my food diary. Monday I woke up approximately 12:15 and I went to sleep Wednesday at approximately 04:00. Yesterday I woke up at approximately 15:45 and have just (08:15) had yesterday's…
  • 200% increase in cardio. 100% increase in weight training. Less calories consumed. Weight loss slower. If I were to make an assumption based on that alone, muscles retaining water to repair themselves which they can't do without rest days, excessive cardio, and (assuming a goal of 1 lb/week and going by August 17th and…
  • Assuming calorie burns are correct for 60% of people (can't remember where I heard 60% of people are average), and that they are under-estimates for 20% of people, 80% of people should eat back all of their exercise calories. I didn't have my HRM with me yesterday but I logged all my exercise calories using my phone app…
  • This, but I have modified how I use MFP so what my current way of doing things fits in. Whether that be a target "calories remaining" of 250 calories for a goal of 2.5 lb/week loss or 125 calories for a goal of 1.75 lb/week, or while calorie cycling a goal yesterday of 453 calories remaining (3 calories of which to average…
  • My primary exercise when I started was walking, and it still is. I may have incorporated C25K and regular weight lifting, but when it comes down to exercise calories the majority of mine are still from walking.
  • Minus 2 to plus 5 pounds (some rare evenings I weigh less). These days I generally only weigh myself every day or multiple times a day when I have recently changed something that I know will make my weight fluctuate more, but Saturday after waking and using the loo is the only weight I log.
  • I've had a few days where I've eaten at a 1,000 calorie surplus and a few weeks ago I had a day with a 2,000 calorie surplus. "Cheat days" might help, they might not. I generally fit everything in I want to eat so I don't need planned cheat days, although I have usually had an unplanned "maintenance/surplus day"…
  • Weight fluctuates naturally even if your exercise and diet is identical each week. If you concentrate on a 4-weekly/8-weekly/12-weekly trend and consider each weigh-in as just a data point that you use to look at the overall picture it might be less discouraging. I have a goal loss range that is my goal loss +/- 0.25…
  • I would go with what the fitbit says until you know how accurate the figures it gives are. Assuming the linking works the same way as for bodymedia, eat back those 500-600 exercise calories for a few weeks. Depending on how long you've been in a deficit for, you might as an alternative (or if you still aren't losing after…
  • Some suggestions: 1) Reduce your deficit - unless there is an urgent medical need to lose weight being in a deficit more days than being in surplus should be enough to stop you from gaining any more weight, and if you aren't able to be active that often a smaller deficit could mean better nutrition and energy. 2) Realise…
  • You should be fine. There's a difference between eating 1,200 calories and exercising, and netting 1,200 calories - the former is what is usually meant by the "1,200 calories are bad" threads and the latter are usually (but not always) the defenders of "1,200 calorie diets". One of the reasons why it is so divisive is…
  • Yes/no depending on the definition of breakfast. Last couple of days I had it before sleeping. Today I probably had my AM Snack several hours after waking (i.e. ~3 pm) and just had the first half of my lunch (~8:45 pm). Does 2-5 hours of sleep, and 0-3 hours before a post-waking meal count as a fast? Edit: Actually, I…
  • Luckily, I'm not a Cyberman or an Auton, and I no longer have any metal fillings. If a similar chunk of metal (a control) was regularly covered with WD40 rather than being allowed to rust, would you have instead concluded drinking soda is safe if you consume WD40 first? Probably not. Ever seen potassium explode when…
  • The first 4 weeks I weighed every day (and several times a day) to gauge daily and intra-day weight fluctuations which back then was +/- 5-7 lb (it took me 9 weeks to get my food intake and exercise where I wanted which might explain part of that number). Since then, I'd probably guess +/- 3-5 lb/day, but the only time I…
  • I don't trust any studies that conclude in stating (to the effect) correlation equals causation, and I don't trust any science that calls something harmful unless it talks about dose. Does Diet Coke cause obesity? Well, you're probably not going to study the general population you're going to study obese people and see…
  • 250-400, usually pre-logged, but depending on sleep it might be the first or second meal after I wake up and it is rarely the last meal before I go to sleep.
  • My best mate is 6' 1" and one of my original goals was to be able to walk as fast as he can. We're both male, he is 7 inches taller than me, he has low body fat (I'm working on that), but I do have powerful legs. Will I ever be able to walk at 6 mph? Extremely unlikely but I am up to averaging 3.9 mph (up from 2.4 mph*)…
  • We're talking about over 20 pounds here, though. Calories required, suitable calorie deficit, BMR, TDEE, body fat calculations, MFP exercise calories, entering our weight in apps that track our exercise and exercise machines... most of us use scale weight for a lot more than just tracking our weight.
  • You're about 179 lb? And 71 kg is about 156 lb. What I would suggest is when you get home, see your doctor or practise nurse and have them weigh you. I don't think a change in altitude or latitude would result in a 20+ pound difference (unless on an aeroplane? OK, tried checking that but the math made my head hurt - looks…
  • Weight loss? Maybe. Fat loss? No. You can't gain 50 pounds of water weight. Eat less processed food, lose some water weight, eat a bit of processed food, regain a bit of water weight. If your sodium intake is roughly the same each day and your renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is functioning properly your water weight…
  • 1) Medium wholemeal bread. 2) Salted butter. 3) Marmite. 4) Crunchy peanut butter.
  • Let's see... I jogged 2.06 miles in 25 minutes last night (during a heavy downpour so bad I had to pull my Storm beanie over my eyebrows) with an average heart rate of 155 bpm (81% of max) and a peak heart rate of 177 bpm (92.7% of max). My HRM says I burned 306 calories, my Ki Fit says I average 14 kcal/min when jogging…
  • Carbs are like sodium in that unless you are medically advised to keep an eye on them (e.g. a problem with your blood sugar regulation system or your renin-angiotension-aldosterone system respectively) they aren't bad. Worst case scenario, 96.6% of the 65.9 pounds of weight I've lost in the last 8 months has been fat mass,…
  • The Vegan Society says 'vegan' means "a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, the use of animals for food, clothing and any other purpose." "In terms of food, this means the product does not contain meat, fish, animals’ milk, egg or honey, or any other animal-derived substances such as…
  • I was assuming almost all the fruit on a tree that has not been grafted onto a smaller rootstock (i.e. it is naturally 20-30 feet tall) would be out of reach, and that the e coli on the apples that have fallen to the ground was relevant since milk debates generally include a mention of raw milk vs pasteurised and that…
  • Humans are not designed to eat apples because we aren't 15 feet tall. How is learning to milk cows any different than learning to graft trees?
  • Sorry, but that is baloney. Yesterday I had some grapes, a banana, and a whole pineapple. The day before I had a banana, some canteloupe and honeydew melon, a whole pineapple, another banana and a Snickers. The day before I had some white bread, half a honeydew melon, and a large glass of Dr Pepper; the day before that I…
  • MFP will not automatically adjust your goals. It will prompt you every 10 pounds but if you ignore the prompt your calorie goal will remain the same - i.e. even if your goal is 2 pounds per week, as you log weight over time and you are losing weight your deficit will shrink and won't be 1,000 calories. My Home -> Goals…
  • The first 50 pounds was for health. At that point I could walk 20 miles, stretch my quads standing up without supporting myself with something, my RHR was 53 bpm (so hard to measure that), and my 1-minute heart recovery rate was about 20 bpm. The rest is for physique, although I am experimenting to see if any of my issues…
  • 100-1,500+ depending on the day - it's 10:12 and am currently at 702 exercise calories. As I'm going to London today It'll probably be around 2,200 exercise calories. I eat 100% of them back.