kinkofit Member


  • I AGREE!! THANK YOU for this comment!!! Go for yourself, and stop complaining and criticizing others... Let people do what ever it is that motivates them to get to the gym. If you are focused on your own health, you wont have time to criticize others.
  • YOU LOOK AMAZING! I wish you could teach all 19 and 20 year olds how to take control of their health so they are not struggling with health problems in the later years. You are such an inspiration!! Great job. Enjoy your healthier life :)
  • Such an amazing story! You overcame a spinal cord injury AND lost over 100 lbs!!!. YOU are an amazing woman. I am a runner. I am in love with running. I run 6-7 miles a day 5x a week, but I have never had such an injury as yours. Congrats to you! I hope you are super proud of the strength that you found within you :)))
  • I used to wake up hungry and eat. Two changes i made: 1: All foods that are easy to get up and snack on (ie: cereal , granola bars, jars of nuts, are no longer in my house. My food must be cooked or it is fruits, vegetables or protein bars (high protein-low sugar bars). Nothing else is available. 2: Right before bed I have…
  • The slower the weight loss, the more likely you are to maintain the loss. Losing 4 lbs a month (or less) is great for permanent or long term weight loss.
  • It is amazing how great you look after losing 25 lbs while working out! You look great, Jillian is doing wonders for you! She has always been my role model... Keep it up!
  • Could also be that your shoes seem to fit when you put them on, but .... As we run, our feet swell. Running shoes should be laced properly (not too tight) and they should be a 1/2 size larger then a walking shoe. Look up this info on any avid runners site. I clock in approximately 40 miles per week and have done so for…
  • I very much agree with high protein intake. My goal has always been to eat at least 1 gram of protein per lb of you GOAL weight. I run a lot, but the protein intake keeps me pretty muscular for my size.
  • 1: calorie deficit to get down to a healthy weight and... 2: lots of cardio (I run lots)
  • I drink 6-8 bottles of water per day. i still do not cut out diet soda. Never have cut it out, and never will, but i drink so much water that the diet soda is fine with me