nightly cravings...augh..



  • what about sugar free candy by the bed?
  • sbeckys
    sbeckys Posts: 5 Member
    Take a half scoop of protein about 15 minutes before bed. Your body is probably working against itself.
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    Make sure you are getting 3-4 food groups for each meal so you are more satisfied. Save all your snack calories for night, and you just have to learn to tell yourself no once you finish your allotted calorie amount for your snacks. Many times I finish my snack to early and want to keep eating, just HAVE to practice self control. It is all about breaking the habit and putting the real work into getting the results you want.
  • Ideally I'd suggest moving your cal intake into the morning, as that's when you're body is more efficient at burning them. If you really like dinner food (like me,) why not try just a brunch of leftovers. Alternatively when that late night hunger kicks in, have a cup of green tea. It will help make you feel full and just pop on a television show and think of something else! Sometimes there is nothing to help except having to use a little more willpower.
  • melanie_197202
    melanie_197202 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a night time eater too .
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I found granola bar wrappers in my bed when I made it yesterday morning. Don't even remember eating them !

    I do that all the time. I think I ate about 2 cups of nuts last night. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :explode:
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    I find that eating fewer carbs and more fats usually helps to curb my appetite. Also drinking coffee during the day. For some reason when I eat more carbs I get hungry much faster and it's the unbearable kind, whereas on a higher-fat diet I will still get hungry, but less frequently and urgently. Hope this helps!
  • I'll admit that I'm on a time crunch and therefore wasn't able to read all the responses yet; so I have no idea if anyone has recommended this.

    If this is literally a "wake and eat" kind of thing -- why not track it for the next day? (i.e. when you go to bed tonight, Monday night, and wake up halfway through Monday night to snack -- log it on Tuesday's diary, not Monday's) Then the calories are already logged and you don't have to "save" any calories. Therefore you don't have to worry about going over your calories because they're accounted for when you actually wake up to face the day.
  • kinkofit
    kinkofit Posts: 10 Member
    I used to wake up hungry and eat. Two changes i made:

    1: All foods that are easy to get up and snack on (ie: cereal , granola bars, jars of nuts, are no longer in my house. My food must be cooked or it is fruits, vegetables or protein bars (high protein-low sugar bars). Nothing else is available.

    2: Right before bed I have 1 tablespoon of peanut butter & sip water. I sleep soundly through the night now ( and have done so for years). If i do get up i would have to cook something or have a protein bar. Hard to overeat in the middle of the night on those foods. Good luck.
  • tinlee
    tinlee Posts: 60 Member
    For me, too many carbs during the day equals out of control snacking at night.
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    :drinker: Thanks everyone w/ you’re advice.
    So far my doing some what ok. :tongue:
    I'm still doing the save cal’s thing...
    I'm slowly not eating as much as I did but,
    I still have a way to go..:explode: :happy: .
    This #*kitten* is hard trying not to eat after I go to bed...
    I think I’m going to try the protein right before bed…
    Wish me luck...
    Anyone that wants to be friend’s request me and I’ll accept...
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    :drinker: I’ve been tracking the cal's on the day I eat them, say Monday go to bed then wake up...I put what I ate on Monday to see how much over or less I ate through the night...:explode:
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    Cereal = bad before bed. If you need food before bed - protein is best. It will help your hormones and the fat breakdown that takes place while you sleep. Also, I have learned when my enzymes are really at work my belly makes hungry sounds and I feel like I need food which happens most often at bedtime. After a year of training - I either go to bed after drinking a glass of water or if I know I really need food then I find some great protein to help.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Are you actually hungry when you wake up? Or is it a habit cause you can't sleep? Maybe a trip to the sleep doctor would be in order. If apnea is causing you to wake up then that can be solved with a cpap machine. SInce I got mine, I sleep like a baby all night. (I never was a middle of the night snacker though). I agree with the protein instead of carbs before bed. Maybe some yogurt instead of cereal.
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: UPDATE, My eating is getting better.
    I'm still eating not as much and not as often...
    I read that if you take a greentea and multi vitamins in the afternoon
    Around an half-hour before dinner it will help night time eating.
    It seems to be working but, I''ve just started.
    More testing needed
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    :smile: Thanks for your input.
    My real killer is cereal, which would not be bad
    But, I can’t stop at one bowel.
    It’s usually 2.augh..:ohwell:
    Thanks again...
    If you would like to be friends on here request me
    And I'll accept.:smile:

    Thus the reason I only buy it a few times a year and usually for vacation. :)
    Hubby is diabetic so has to have a snack before bed to keep his blood sugar from falling too far during the night. We usually have an apple with some peanut, almond or pecan butter. I'll have one too so just plan it into my calories accordingly. Experiment with different varieties of apples, they are awesome with nut butters.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Once I'm in bed, then it's time to sleep. In my whole life, I don't think I have ever eaten anything once I have went to bed for the night. My pillow is my friend.

    Make sure you are hitting your calorie goal each day with nutritious foods. And don't eat if you aren't hungry.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Cereal is one of my kryptonites, too.I can eat half a box in a sitting, no problem. I had to give it up entirely. The boyfriend buys cereal that I don't really like, so luckily I only break into it when there is literally no other food in the house. That's pretty rare.

    I'm also one of those people who can wake up from a dead sleep at 2 AM absolutely famished. I tend to eat dinner early in the evening, so I've been attempting to move that last meal up closer to bedtime. I get headaches in the night, too - always have - and one of the ways I've helped soothe that over the years is by snacking on sweets in the middle of the night. I'm trying to not do that, too. It's hard.

    You're not alone in this!
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    :drinker: :happy: I think it is going to work for me but, some people are caffeine sensitive
    This would keep them up so beware if you don’t sleep that night it’s not my
    If you try it hope it works...
    I’m also a 2 bowl a night guy so I feel what you are going through:drinker: :happy: .
  • blueeyedrunner71
    blueeyedrunner71 Posts: 30 Member
    :drinker: Do you think that you might be boarder line diabetic..
    I know people that have the headaches due to low surger.
    If you haven’t already I would check on it..:drinker: