Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I use our gym at work and am usually alone, so I guess it's me. :cry:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    the guy who leaves weight plates all over the place, leaves the loaded barbell on the floor after deadlifts, never wipes down the bench, and plays loud obnoxious metal music.

    that person is me.

    in my home gym. :tongue:
  • bandomom13
    bandomom13 Posts: 7 Member
    I dont mean this in any smart way, but who cares? I too go to the gym, and theres people who because they have a 6pk they are shouting from their little brains"LOOK AT ME!!!" and you know what I dont. I am there to workout for me, no else. Dont pay attention my friend, for that is exactally what they want!!!! Do your thing , smile, feel good . I pay good money to have a good workout, my mind is concentrating on me.. :}
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    There was a guy at the gym a couple of weeks ago that was "mentoring" a kid about 13 or 14. I was on a piece of equipment with my ipod but I didn't have it on, so I could hear everything. This guy started talking about working out and that he also comes to the gym to see all the "birds". OK I understand chicks...but birds? Then he proceeded to watch some woman and walked right into a pole right in front of me. I laughed hysterically....made him feel about 2 inches tall. He will not even look at me now! LOL

    bird is british slang for a girl... kind of equivalent to chick.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Earrings. Big. Hoop. Earrings. So heavy, they pulled down her earlobes. Now tell me, how you gonna get ANYTHING done with those hula hoops hanging off your head???

  • kinkofit
    kinkofit Posts: 10 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.

    I AGREE!! THANK YOU for this comment!!! Go for yourself, and stop complaining and criticizing others... Let people do what ever it is that motivates them to get to the gym. If you are focused on your own health, you wont have time to criticize others.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    So many busybodies at these gyms. Wow. I go to workout. I concentrate on what I'm doing or if I'm resting between sets I might be talking to the owner, reading a reprint, or whatever. In the locker room I don't care if your naked or dressed in pajamas, it's a transition space. I like to have a coffee, an apfelschorle or a beer at the gym bar before leaving and everyone is pretty low key about it.

    If I knew the place was a judging festival, hmm, not sure I would have started.

    People I work with keep asking me about the gym, it's 50 meters from our office and about 30$ a month, free classes, yet they are still intimidated.

    In my gym, there is the very heavy guy, he has diabetes, he grunts loudly and, yes, smells a little bit at the end of his session. He's not obnoxious - he's lost 60 damn kilos, he's damn proud and he actually knows the poetry of Donald Justice.

    There is the old lady - she struggles, doesn't know how to use some of the machines, and walks on the elliptical. When she's on a machine I would work elsewhere because I know she's going to take her time. She's not obnoxious and I hope her son finds work. She's worried.

    There is the "cardio bunny" with makeup and perfume - she just came from the office, we work in same company. And I know that later, she'll pull a second shift in logistics. She's not obnoxious. She speaks French and want to live in Spain.

    Me? I rarely talk to people there, not only is my head elsewhere but language is a bit of a barrier, but they have their stories, they are individuals and to brand them as obnoxious is to lose some of the richness of human interaction and not see them as Jack, Janet and Leslie.

    What a dehumanizing thread. You all have a nice day.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.

    There's a big difference between a newbie and people who walk around being rude or crazy. Or can't pick up after themselves. :tongue:
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member

    No. I refuse. I will never do this. Not now, not when I'm 80. It's a freakin' locker room.

    Maybe the question is why you can't seem to draw your eyes away from "wrinkly behinds."

    And you would be why I have a home gym now.

    1. (snide response): Good! More room for me!
    2. (actual thoughts): Damnit I'm jealous of your home gym.


    I really don't have an issue with nudity and think the guys that shower in their shorts (yeah, there were a couple) or use the private dressing rooms have some issues. But I wrapped a towel around myself on the way to the shower and really had no interest in carrying on a conversation with a naked man.
  • Karmachka
    Karmachka Posts: 28 Member
    1) screamers

    2) people who walk around naked in the locker room.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    1) screamers

    2) people who walk around naked in the locker room.

    Especially when they're the same person.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I haven't identified anybody as obnoxious, but I am amused by the young woman who gets out the curling or flat iron and makeup to perfect her look before working out. The first time I saw her, I assumed she had already worked out and was getting ready to leave the gym, but no.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I normally don't care what anyone else at my gym does, but the gym member known only as "Onion Vagina" negatively impacted a lot of people's workouts.
  • Butterflyblue_
    Butterflyblue_ Posts: 19 Member
    I normally don't care what anyone else at my gym does, but the gym member known only as "Onion Vagina" negatively impacted a lot of people's workouts.

    I was going to post a reply but read this and lost my words
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I normally don't care what anyone else at my gym does, but the gym member known only as "Onion Vagina" negatively impacted a lot of people's workouts.

    I was told that she prefers "Ongina". One word. Like "Madonna".
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    LOL... I have one who does this stuff too. He's ejected into the other room now. :flowerforyou:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    This award goes to two equally braindead individuals where I go:

    1. Airhead who wanders the gym aimlessly chewing gum and looking at herself in the mirror, only to occassionally get on a cardio machine to make a phone call

    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    Am I the ONLY one who has this problem?? I can't be. I just can't!!

    The guy that walks into the gym, watches what everyone else is doing and then posts gripes about strangers on the internet, that have nothing to do with his goals or the topic of Fitness and Exercise, and just likes insulting harmless demographics because he enjoys bonding with other judgmental people.

    People who pretend to never be judgmental as they make a judgmental post about others.

    edited for spelling. Because people will judge me on that. :tongue:
  • There are a couple of those at my gym.

    There's a chap who walks around and dispenses rubbish advice (whether you want it or not), then does some odd exercises (with terrible form). And he talks to everyone. That just gets on my nerves - don't talk to me when I'm exercising in there - I'll happily chat in reception, but I'm less than happy to chat when I've just done a set.

    There's another chap who is admittedly very strong: 220+kg squat. But he never de-loads the bar on anything. He'll take the bar off a power rack to deadlift and leave the thing there, with all plates. It's not difficult to clear up after yourself. I'm no longer impressed by his strength, I dread being in the gym at the same time as him because I know I'll end up using something after him and it'll take me 10 minutes to clear his mess up.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    We don't have any actually. I go to a really nice local gym and they even organise dinners and bowling nights out for us all. The funniest thing was the last dinner seeing a whole table of people leaving their rice, noodles etc and just eating chicken and veg.
  • I think I am. I go to a very small gym that on the bottom floor of a golf club house. NOBODY uses it....so I get a little peeved when I get there and someone IS there. This is MY gym! and I really don't want to make small talk while I'm working out. I probably seem like a rude lil somebody, but I don't care. I only have about 60 minutes away from my hubs and kids to get things done. I'm there with serious tunnel vision. 10 mins elliptical warm-up, 40-50 minutes circuit training with moderately heavy weights. I'm breathing hard and sweating bullets...
