fit4lifemom Member


  • I’m tired of buying new summer clothes every year. And I don’t want to be the fat mom.
  • Hey ladies - I'm 51 and my struggle continues to be eating well. The exercise part I feel ok with (good be better, but I'm pretty consistent right now).So this year, I was hoping to do one thing better with respect to diet each month. Jan, I cut out the pop. I did not drink much (one 90 calorie pop per day), but it was a…
  • Hope it is ok to jump in. Today I would like to manage my emotions without the use of chocolate.
  • 2 days late to the party, but I'm in. I turn 51 tomorrow and I wanted my gift to myself to be the gift of fitness. I did weigh myself on the 11th - 201.8, which makes my goal192.8.
  • We got one in the spring and I alternate days with my M5 and walking. On the days I use my bowflex, I also try to do a short ab workout right after. I have not been very adventurous yet - just steady state and stairs. But on the steady state, I do my own interval work out - 3 mins warm up, 2 mins build, then repeat 30…
  • 50, turning 51 in Sep.
  • perfectly said - when friends ask me what I use for motivation, I try to give the kind of answer you posted.
  • Well done on day 9. I am doing my own 30 day challenge and just finished day 8. I often forget to check the forums, but I will try and follow you in this quest and support you.
  • Agree with previous posters - log it, move on. If you are still having onto the guilt, which in turn could cause another binge, go back and look at your log for the previous few months and show yourself it is a blip, not a habit.
  • great thread - we are going in 3 weeks and i was wondering the same thing about how to stay on track. Hope you have a great time!
  • Hi everyone, I turn 50 in September, so I thought I would join early. hope that is ok. I am happy to find a group of like minded people near to my age. Colleen
  • I weigh weekly and take B/C pills. I find I have the opposite weight affect. For the 3 weeks I take the pills, I am about 2 pounds heavier than the week I am off and having a period. ( I drop 2 pounds in about 36 hours and then regain 2 pounds in about 36 hours after starting taking the pills) I sort of look forward to the…
  • i avoided seeing it - stopped looking in full length mirrors, bought generous fitting clothes, and hid behind work demands and stress for no time to eat well or work out. Then I saw the picture of me in a bathing suit that I thought fit - yeah not so much. That was followed quickly by my annual check up revealing the start…
  • I think all my technical advice has already been covered by the previous posters. I will say from my own experience, my body changed after giving birth and it took a while for it to respond to my normal exercise/diet routines in the same it did before having my kids. For my own sanity, I had to change from thinking of a…
  • me too, 5 AM(ish) start time
  • high intensity cardio usually works for me. I wish I could use exercise more as my main stress relief. Sadly, sometimes it is still chocolate. Exercise makes me feel so much better for longer.
  • 5'9" and striving for 165. After university and before kids, I was fairly athletic and hovered between 155 and 160. Once while training hard for a marathon, I dropped closer to 150 and felt sick and had no energy. 160 seemed like the sweet spot. Last summer I reached 203 and realized something needed to change.
  • We just got a juicer and also bought the Joe Walsh book on juicing. He juiced for 60 days (I think 60, may have been 90). If you were planning this, I think you need to make sure the juice composition is balanced, so not just fruits, and I think there would need to be a need for some protein powder. I know I could not do…
  • And totally agree with doing strength work and ab work as part of your cross training. Once your abs go and form starts to degrade, injuries are more likely and the joy leaves the run quite quickly
  • For me the key to not overeating on my long run days was fuel while running and my first post run food. What worked for me was a few banana chips every 20 mins or do while doing a run longer than 90 mins. Without this, I felt too depleted by the end of a run to think straight and make good choices. Then my favourite post…
  • Feel free to add me to your friend list - I am on a similar journey. The only difference for me is my office moved, so now getting to a gym is possible for me.
  • I have to chime in on how things change as we age. I was very active through my 20's and 30's. I never had to count calories or watch my food choices. I had 2 children in my early 40's, and while I was not as active as before kids, I lost the pregnancy weight fairly easily, again without counting calories. Then the hot…
  • I agree with throwing it away later. Keep saying no, then if he brings it anyway, just say thank-you and put it to the side and throw it away when he is not around. You have no obligation to eat it
  • 49 and trying to reach my goal before my 50th. Feel free to add me.
  • Mine are 6 and 8. I have had lots of ups and downs since with respect to my weight, exercise and food habits. This year at my physical, I had high cholesterol. With my family history, I have one year and if it is still high, I go on meds. I would rather not be on meds, so that is what finally got me going this time. I may…
  • hey cool kids, have not seen this thread before. Hope it is ok to jump in as a newbie. I also wish it was Friday, but it will come soon enough. This week has been about working the nutrition and trying to get over my first cold since the last cold and flu season. I have been pleasantly surprised at my lack of cravings for…
  • I have the same basic issue, exercise is easy to get in, I love doing it. But the food....Sometimes it is like I am 2 people, an adult that knows what I absent and what it would take to get there, and a spoiled child who feels like she is bring punished and having treats withheld. It is the closest way to describe what is…
  • Love this thread. Just for today I will not eat chocolate. Sugar, and specifically chocolate, is my downfall. Once I have some, I can not get enough. Emotionally I am not ready to give it up completely, but I can for one day.
  • Funny, I integrated my fitbit with MFP last week and it seems to me like there are now too many calories to be eaten as well when the fit bit adjustment is factored in. There is a group for fitbit users on MFP. I suggest taking your question to that group. As for me, I think I will try and decouple my fitbit from MFP. I…