fit4lifemom Member


  • 2100 m in 40 mins. It was a treat since the pool was setup for 50 m this AM.
  • I had to google USRPT since I had not heard of it. A few years ago, I was training with a coach who believed that if a person wanted to race fast, they had to train fast. I was training for a 1500m race. He had me doing lots of 50's, 75's and 100's at, or faster than, race pace. He thought with my age (I was almost 40), I…
  • I use heart rate to determine % effort. But is often do sets where is need to swim the 3rd 25 of a 100 at a harder effort. I find either just putting more powered into my kick OR into my pull increases the fort to still be below sprint but above cruise control.
  • That is fantastic!
  • 48, soon to be 49 here. Would love to have some MFP friends closer in age.
  • That is a great workout that your trainer gave you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE kick intensive workouts,
  • Yes, 2300 m. Love the morning swim
  • Well done. I had to smile at your second update, while I could feel the pain of your sim stopping cramp, I alo got a funny visual in my head. Looking forward to the next update.
  • I'm a swimmer who started running as cross training. Then one of the master swim teams I was in actively recruited triathletes. So I gave into peer pressure and tried one. I'm brutal on the bike, but the overall event is fun. Took a long break after my kids were born, but am hoping to do a few teams next summer and maybe a…
  • I like total immersion techniques for my drills and warm ups. I like being efficient, it helps avoid injury. I have also done a fair bit of swim coaching and I find total immersion techniques can turn a non swimmer into a swimmer quite quickly. Having said that, it does not work for every one and I totally understand…
  • Now I alternate swimming, treadmill walk/runs and stationary bike for my cardio. I also do 10 mins of abs or weights after the cardio. Except for swimming, I work out in my basement. I am housebound because we have young children and odd work schedules. I'm hoping to move my runs outside in Nov. The key for me is to vary…
  • I would be happy to be part of your support group. I have an inverse issue in some ways - I used to be a healthy weight and then having my two children combined with some other life changes have left me 30 lbs over weight. My husband is supportive, thankfully. But outside of that, my family does not believe me when I tell…
  • Saskatchewan here
  • Four things around the same time: 1. My MIL passed away and I realized putting of looking after my health was stupid. 2. Weighed 197, which was too close to my full pregnancy weight for my liking. 3. My knees hurt all the time 4. The dreaded face on photograph where I could see my stomach for the first time Like other…
  • I re-committed recently as well. My weight had snuck up to my all time non-pregnant high and my knees started to scream at me. I also have young children and want to be active with them. It has been easier in these summer months because of a more relaxed schedule, hoping that I keep the balance once school and the kids…