Hi five for my sexy don't give a fk Scot friend ;) You are amazing. Nuff' said. Keep going. Keep inspiring. Keep kicking *kitten*.
The thing you push around in a SUPERMARKET is a TROLLY in the UK :)
^^ this :) ^^
**** the football, watch the cricket haha
Great work! And ouchy @ the sunburn lol :)
Fantastic.... you have not just improved your health, you have saved your life. Is the police academy now back in the books for the future? :)
I agree with what everyone else has said - I could do handstands when I was +200lbs. Mind your wrists - practice with bunny hops first and up against a wall and make sure there is cusioning (spl?) and a safe area around and behind you. I love that I do handstands - I do it in the playground with the kids at school and they…
I have never done this. I went one step further and threw it into a pond (and then stripped half naked in the park on a cold winters day in December to try and retrieve it)..... I'm so glad I got that off my chest ...
Feel free to add me :) Mum to Georgie (8 going on 15 :D), full time working as a school secretary and I study with the open Uni (though currently between modules for the summer yah!). I've found that finding time for ME has been my success :) Good luck!
I've also witnessed the devastation of Alzheimers when my mother in law passed away through complications due to the illness. That was 5 years ago now and I miss her very much. My father in law took care of her also until the very end. I'm happy to receive friend request if I can offer any support :) Nyk x
My friend who had been very successful here kept badgering me to do it.... I kept telling her I didn't have time to count calories.... I'm so thankful she kept on and I gave in to shut her up :D
Thank you all :)
Sounds like you've done a fine job. Congratulations!
Fantastic. Congratulations.
Thanks Wendy :) I've been struggling with the scales for some months now but managed to continue through seeing progress pics.... I needed to see this yesterday.... and guess what? This morning I've finally gotten past the barrier and dropped a pound :) Yay!
fun! :) Congrats!
I enjoy my runs much more, and find they help me more, when I'm not in the mood to run or have been having a bad day. I go out with the mindset that doing something is better than nothing and just to do my best. It is these runs where I have run my quickest, furthest and enjoyed myself. I believe it's because I take the…
Excellent - congratulations on your hard work!
Great work! Keep it up :)
Look at those cheek bones ;) Excellent work - congratulations :)
I think it's quite overwhelming to find the "new" you - styles and clothes and colors that you are comfortable in and look good. I know, for me, I found and fell in love with dresses - especially skater style. Aside from these I am still struggling - most my clothes are still too big for me and although I love my jeans…
Great transformations here! :) jeaninebolger - I'm dealing with the skin now but I'd rather be dealing with that than the old, fat, unconfident, uncaring me... Apparently bio oil is good (I've started using) and also just giving your body time to shrink back into itself.... Nyk x
Been needing to do this for a while :) Hope the pics work! Transforming My 30th Birthday last week
The change in me. Not just physically but mentally. I never, ever, want to go back to the person I was a year or so ago.
Congrats - you are doing great :) I bet you feel amazing!
Fantastic - THIS is what its all about. congratulations :)
hmmm I think it varies depending on the workout and how I'm feeling. The best is probably the feeling on completion - that feeling of YES I DID IT. When running I know I find miles 3-4 the most difficult. Sometimes starting is difficult too.
I work out with my stomach out every workout (at home :D) but I just wanted to say that I personally find it a huge motivator so thumbs up everyone!
Excellent. Well done!