33Freya Member


  • Been on this journey a while- Usually compare birthday pics, but it's a month away. I'm 5'9" and this hasn't been a linear journey. I'm focusing more on body fat % and working hard to maintain muscle while losing fat... and I shoot for a 90% unpackaged diet (eating "clean").
  • There's no finish line when it comes to heath! You are a success. Thanks for being an inspiration to others as well! :flowerforyou:
  • Move your body. Get into the gym, do 2-3 days lifting and 3-4 days cardio. Eat more protein while staying within your calorie limits (best done with meats, eggs, fish, and protein shakes). You can safely lost a stone within 9 weeks. Otherwise, you should always have a seamstress fit your dress to your body- Contact one now…
  • Tattoos are awesome, especially when there is a story behind them. Still everyone has their opinion- some people look upon my tattoos with admiration, others contempt. Some people think they're trashy and wild, others see them for the work of art and meaningful expression they are. In my mind, they're all entitled to their…
  • Encouraging too, for people like me who also get called by sweets in the afternoon- I think the Junior Mints Candy in the Vending Machine here at work is possessed...
  • They know their own weight issues. If they ask for your help, then help them. Otherwise weight control is an extremely sensitive subject- let it go and focus on your goals.
  • I'm ROCKING my thirties and believe that my 40s will be even more awesome! Two years and a month away from my Last Day of My 30s EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY (held the day before I turn 40- yes I've been planning this for years).
  • Groove is in the Heart! (na na nana) by Deee Lite
  • I eat fish nearly every day- salad shrimp, salmon (maybe try smoked salmon if you don't like it baked), clams, oysters, etc. - Find a local fish market to purchase from. Buy seasonal fish. Otherwise, Costco is a good place to go to get frozen portions of a variety of fish. - I stay away from catfish and tilapia (study up…
    in FISH Comment by 33Freya October 2014
  • Quick fixes like these are very rarely effective in the long run. Make little changes to what you are already doing, LOG everything, and develop new habits. I did Medifast for three months, until I could not choke down another powdered packet of "food" and like everyone else I know that has done Medifast, I gained it all…
  • YEAH!!
  • By Christmas? That gives us about 11 weeks. I'll shoot for that! Gonna LOG on here, get accountability partners to shame me into it if I slack off (said tongue in cheek), and not go more than 3 days MAX without exercise of some sort, sick, injured, or healthy.
  • Anything with mayo, salad dressing, cold slaw, potato salad. McDonald's and most fast food (though the deep fried jalapeno poppers are sooo good).
  • Good point- some people do obsess over it :) I just drink water throughout the day and call it good :) If you don't like water, try flavoring it with sliced cucumbers or strawberries or lemon/lime.
  • Junior Mints (hangs head in shame)
  • Sweets: Frozen Blueberries tend to help me. I am a total sugar addict...
  • Any online forum is going to have the kind, mean, snarky, needy, ignorant, and know-it-all people on it. Sort through them if you're going to post for advice. :flowerforyou:
  • 1. He was with her for 7 years, of course he's going to think about her- the question is why did he bring it up?! a. he's just thinking aloud or b. he had a purpose to bringing it up 2. Moving too fast (like immediately moving in together, I love yous too soon, etc) is risky at best, and is a trait of relationship that…
  • I think it’s extremely rare that someone would actually be ridiculed at the gym- most of those posts are about how the intimidated person sees others at the gym and assumes they’re being quietly ridiculed. This is sometimes catered to, like the rule at Planet Fitness that you can’t wear certain gym clothes for fear that…
  • I'm a few days late but YES I love this! great idea. I have a pesky 25lbs hanging on (and/because I have slipped on exercise and diet over the last few months on a myriad of excuses, one of them being injury). I have been weaning large clothes out of my wardrobe (no keeping them for later). My commitment: Work out at LEAST…
  • Google Images: Loose Skin Weight Loss Do you really wanna lose it that fast? You'll be more likely to gain it all back. Get some counseling.
  • Beards are very sexy if they are kept trim- nothing sexy about the grizzly Adams look, in my opinion. The Moustache-Goatee combo drives me crazy :P
  • Wow Insanity and P90X may be something you want to try later. P90X has pre-fitness requirements, and insanity is, well, insane for beginners :) Also both programs are very intensive time wise as well as physically. Something to work toward, but I wouldn't start with that. Look up C25K (couch to 5K) online. You start out…
  • by the time you go to marry someone, you believe that you are with the right person- that's how you know, haha! Hindsight says that you never really know...
  • Go there to play if you wish, but what ever you do, you'll 99.9% probably regret it if you get serious with someone more than just a few years older than you. I was 29 when I divorced my husband who was 49 at the time, and I still shudder when I see how old he is now compared to me (I'm 37 and he's 57). Lots of regret…
  • ^^Great answer! I just eat it. It's actually really good plain! Otherwise lemon is a great partner for Lobster or any seafood :)
  • First off, you need to correct all negative self-talk. When you think, "I'm helpless" IMMEDIATELY correct yourself: "No, I'm not helpless. I am powerful. I am going to eat all I want for my cheat meal on Saturday, and quell my temptation in this moment by taking a walk." 1. exercise every day- or at least 6 days/week, even…