Diet-atrix.. Accountability Partners

I have been off and on the wagon so much you would think I have twinkle toes by how easy I go from one to the other, but this extra 20lbs still hangs on me as a result.

I know what I need to do, and I struggle to want to do it (not whining here, just recognizing my own behavior).

I know I do better when helping others, because I'm big on practicing what I preach. SO here it is:
(think of Mary Poppins when the kids are singing their ad for a Nanny here:)

I am looking for someone (or two) who is similar to me: mid(ish) 30s with 20lbs(ish) to lose, who believes in a lifestyle change and isn't depending on a pill, potion, or fad diet to lose weight.
This someone (or two) will help keep me accountable for logging (and will call me out if I don't, or if I don't log exercise for days), and wants me to do the same for them.

We will share our goals with each other, and describe what we want from each other as accountability partners.

Thoughts? Takers?
