katem8600 Member


  • yay! I work at GNC and this is absolutely my favorite protein! I constantly have customers coming in telling me about their great results with it plus it's my chocolate fix!
  • the only exercise that ever helped my abs is doing sit ups on the lat pull down machine at the gym. I've done tons of crunches and other ab workouts but they don't target the center of my belly where I store all the fat.. I also have to keep my weight really low with low calories and cardio but when i get on that thing,…
  • good idea to google catabolic and anabolic states.. I found this on anabolicminds.com and it makes the most sense to me "Anabolism is the building of more complex molecules from energy and materials (can be lean tissue or fatty tissue). Catabolism is just the reverse. When you consume more calories than you are burning…
  • honestly I eat over 100 grams of sugar a day (all from my fruit), like I said, probably overboard but I've lost 13 lbs and felt great since I started doing this.. the thing I cut out was wheat so I need to get my carbs from somewhere and I think nothing is better than fruits and veggies!
  • i probably do go a little overboard on the fruit but I've swapped it out for other things and I don't eat ANY other sugar so I feel it's a good thing. Fruit is packed with so many good things for you and it's a food that is still in it's natural state, providing other elements that our bodies need to process sugars
  • the american heart association gets alot of their funding from cereal companies
  • has anyone noticed that grains are what are fed animals to fatten them up? it's mostly corn, but the form of grains that are bought in grocery stores are just as broken down and spike the blood sugar just as much. the food guide pyramid and the recommendations to eat more grains than anything else is clearly undermining…