doit4me Member


  • Hello from a fellow Harley Girl! LOVE my Harley! I have some pictures on my profile. IDK how inspiring they are, but I'm working on it. I started out originally at 350 lbs. I lost 100lbs after my divorce. Then gained more. When I got serious about getting this weight off, I was at 260, in November 2009. This morning, I was…
  • You're exactly right Meda!! Anything is better than gaining. Love the picture of you and that sweet baby!! You're so blessed!
  • We recently picked up the Clean Eating magazine. I'm impressed with it. They also have a cookbook that I intend to buy.
  • HHmmmm I like this!
  • Jogged 2.6 miles today, 20 minutes. Definately not a speed record, but wow did I feel good and could probably have done another 10 minutes! Wii Fit says I've lost 6.2lbs and over 1% BMI since starting it after Thanksgiving, however, I didn't use it for the first couple of weeks, so... anyway, when I weighed on my bathroom…
  • I don't know what shoveling heavy wet snow is worth, but I did about 30 minutes of that. I've had dinner too. I'll grab 2 glasses of water and then get on the Wii. I see 4 more pounds in my future! It's exciting to see progress! I LOVE all the people on here! What did I do without all of you folks!! We can do this! 2/9,…
  • Hello everbody, and Happy Holidays! I've been on and off the wagon and on again and back off and and and.. well, you know. I've been on this website for a week as of yesterday. AMAZING! When you really see how many calories are in things, even things you think are good for you, it explains some things, like my muffin top…