mountaindewbass Member


  • awww ok. Thanks Editorgrrl. Ill hop on the scale after work and look for it to be updating in the fitbit :0)
  • Thanks for the reply. Using your method I was able to get the negative calories working..however im still unable to change weight. I am using a withings scale to get the data to MFP, I wonder if there's a disconnect from there? I Dunno. It shows up in MFP..but not in Fitbit
  • I understand the difficulties of having to count calories if someone else Is cooking. Especially when you eat over at a friends house for dinner. My wife and I usually go to friends house for game night on Fridays. Its all about guestimating how many calories you can consume. If I was in your situation, I would simply look…
  • Awesome. Thanks for sharing UTBH!
  • yeah im not a nutritionist, but Im looking at calorie burn in its totality. So to me, and for me, it doesnt matter when i eat. As long as there is a deficit. Its obvious some of you have strong opinions about what has worked for you, so keep up the good work! Its just not my mentality of thinking.
  • yeah im weighing all my ingredients. I use the zero out feature as i add ingredients to make sure everything is good.
  • Thanks for the all the replies, that was quick. No offense taken. Yeah im big, i weight 317.5 lbs. I have very broad shoulders so it looks like im not heavy..but the scale doesnt lie. My BMR is 2990 a day, but i keep pretty active. The problem is that i would eat what i would normally need to burn. If im hungry for a snack…
  • For me Stress causes me to eat unhealthy. But then once I start I simply state "Why does it matter" and then I eat anything and everything I want. Then a week will go by, ill gain like 5 pounds and notice my face is fatter and I begin to feel uncomfortable in my clothes. Then ill start eating right again
  • Keep moving forward I guess. I play bass guitar at Church and we had practice yesterday..i don't remember drinking a lot of water but I had several water bottles near maybe I drank it up.
  • This has also caused me to doubt my scale's reliability. I have a withings wifi scale, when I first weight myself after pulling out of the bathroom closet I always weight 7 lbs more. Then I put it on the floor and give it a few seconds, weight again and I usually get my normal weight..except for today.