Not Hungry..what to do.



  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    If youre really struggling, snacking on dried fruit and nut mix helps - fairly high calorie wise and tasty! and good for you...

    3 square meals tho is better!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    How the fuc* you are burning 3000 calories per day ?

    It is very easy to burn 3000 cals when you are big(sorry no offence):happy: but its pretty obvious you have not been very big before...:wink:
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    You didn't get fat by "not being hungry".
    Stop being a little girl and just eat!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    eat at different times but not past 8pm

    I had dinner at 8:30 last night :sick:

  • mountaindewbass
    mountaindewbass Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the all the replies, that was quick.
    No offense taken. Yeah im big, i weight 317.5 lbs. I have very broad shoulders so it looks like im not heavy..but the scale doesnt lie. My BMR is 2990 a day, but i keep pretty active. The problem is that i would eat what i would normally need to burn.

    If im hungry for a snack at night time, then ill eat some of my exercise calories back. But i try to keep atleast 1000 calories deficit a day. Its just weird that im not hungry. My wife is a Marathon runner so our dinners are usually pretty carboloaded on her run days.
    Yesterday i had a big burn because i play bass at church, and then a group of us went bowling(3 games) so i had a pretty big burn yesterday...i just figured i would be hungry today.

    Someone said i shouldnt have to worry about my body going into starvation mode at my weight, is that true? I thought any body could go into starvation mode. If it doesnt, then ill just eat a snack in the afternoon(i usually get hungry around 3 pm, or when i start to cook dinner and i smell all the food cooking)
  • mountaindewbass
    mountaindewbass Posts: 17 Member
    yeah im weighing all my ingredients. I use the zero out feature as i add ingredients to make sure everything is good.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. At your size you're able to tolerate a large deficit.

    This. And don't force yourself to eat if you're not hungry, IMO.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    If you don't meet your goals, once, it won't matter too much.. Just try not to make it an often occurrence
  • mountaindewbass
    mountaindewbass Posts: 17 Member
    eat at different times but not past 8pm

    yeah im not a nutritionist, but Im looking at calorie burn in its totality. So to me, and for me, it doesnt matter when i eat. As long as there is a deficit. Its obvious some of you have strong opinions about what has worked for you, so keep up the good work! Its just not my mentality of thinking.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Someone said i shouldnt have to worry about my body going into starvation mode at my weight, is that true? I thought any body could go into starvation mode. If it doesnt, then ill just eat a snack in the afternoon(i usually get hungry around 3 pm, or when i start to cook dinner and i smell all the food cooking)

    Firstly, starvation mode isn't what you think it is. Your body is equipped with these mechanisms to prevent starvation. These are triggered long before you actually starve. However, there is a set of circumstances that have to be in place to trigger. You have to be in a very deep deficit, with a very low fat intake, for a very long period of time, and you will have to have lost a significant amount of body fat very rapidly. Once you get to this point, your body will release two different types of hormones; grehlin, which will make you feel hungry all the time (to encourage you to eat), and cortisol, a stress hormone that will cause your body to use less energy than normal. This is what is referred to as starvation mode.

    I had lost at least 70 lbs before I began to experience this. I corrected it by increasing my calories, setting my macros at 40 carbs/30 protein/30 fats, and ensuring that most of my fat intake came from unsaturated fats.

    If you aren't feeling hungry, then you aren't in danger of being in starvation mode.
  • mountaindewbass
    mountaindewbass Posts: 17 Member
    Someone said i shouldnt have to worry about my body going into starvation mode at my weight, is that true? I thought any body could go into starvation mode. If it doesnt, then ill just eat a snack in the afternoon(i usually get hungry around 3 pm, or when i start to cook dinner and i smell all the food cooking)

    Firstly, starvation mode isn't what you think it is. Your body is equipped with these mechanisms to prevent starvation. These are triggered long before you actually starve. However, there is a set of circumstances that have to be in place to trigger. You have to be in a very deep deficit, with a very low fat intake, for a very long period of time, and you will have to have lost a significant amount of body fat very rapidly. Once you get to this point, your body will release two different types of hormones; grehlin, which will make you feel hungry all the time (to encourage you to eat), and cortisol, a stress hormone that will cause your body to use less energy than normal. This is what is referred to as starvation mode.

    I had lost at least 70 lbs before I began to experience this. I corrected it by increasing my calories, setting my macros at 40 carbs/30 protein/30 fats, and ensuring that most of my fat intake came from unsaturated fats.

    If you aren't feeling hungry, then you aren't in danger of being in starvation mode.

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing UTBH!