dekomp Member


  • did you post the pictures looking for compliments ? i hope so because why wouldent you , you look fantastic !
  • For anybody interested ! been on the low carb high protien for a week now ! makes you feel guilty because you feel you are eating to much ( started with a initial weight gain ) but on the week lost 2 lbs , this staying with my original exercise program so i could judge the results fairly. Feel much better ,not hungry…
  • Well ive read up on several pieces of advice from various people who id very much like to thank , some of the advice was a little technical for me , but most people agree i seem to be eating to little! hence the tiredness. i have decided to go with high protein / low carb but keep my eyes on the weight , for exercise im…
  • you sound like someone who knows any advice from you would be welcomed ! im actually 5FT 11 tnx dekomp
  • i just joined ! and guess i feel pretty much like you ! i do lose the pounds but its a constant battle and like you get very tired thats why i joined this forum and from the replies ive had so far theres a lot of understanding people on here .
  • Tnx to all you people who have replied ! for those who asked for more detail , im 5ft 11 generall healthy, i tend to become very goal orientated, 1500 cals was a easy target i sorta got to that amount without trying , im still very supple due to martial art training for 17 years , have always used resistance machines (…
  • hi looking for motovation and support , new to this so dont really know how to reply , but would welcome a reply !