jmurphy2529 Member


  • I also struggle with binge eating and I completely understand how all rationale about why you shouldn't be doing it goes straight out of your head. I feel like I'm finally emerging out of a binge cycle that pretty much lasted 15 months. In that 15 months, I gained 25 pounds and my self esteem plunged to ever new lows!! I…
  • Thank you everyone for the support. It's so nice to read your advice...I plan on incorporating it all! I read a quote recently that said, "I am not losing weight, I'm getting rid of it....I don't plan on finding it again". That is going to be my mantra that I am going to keep on saying to myself!!! 1 pound gone.....24 more…
  • Jennifer Height 5' 4" Starting weight:149 Goal weight: 3/31:139 3/3: 149 Struggles/successes: I have regained about half of the 50 lbs that I lost last year! I have been yo-yo dieting for almost a year now. Desperate to get and stay on track!
  • Thanks for all of the great advice. I know I have to go day by day with it. It's a bad habit that I have really cemented into my ways of thinking, new routines.....hopefully will equal a new lifestyle!
  • I need some motivation!!!! So, my weigh in days are Tuesdays. I would like to lose 25 lbs. in all & I would like to set a goal of losing 10 lbs. in March. Looking forward to getting motivation from this group! Name: Jennifer Height: 5'4" Starting weight (3/3): Goal Weight (3/31): 3/3: 3/10: 3/17: 3/26: 3/31: loss/gain for…
  • My goal is to feel better, stop "falling off" my healthy eating & to lose 10 lbs. by the start of the school year.