fatallysassy Member


  • There seems to be some controversy with the question: Is Alcohol processed like sugar or does it turn into fat? I have found some online resources that might interest you, I've included their links below. I thought the educational ones were pretty informative. Most diet programs agree you should avoid alcohol for a minimum…
  • Welcome and Good luck! You'll find this a useful tool. :smile:
  • Welcome and Hello. This is a great tool, it's easy to use, fast, and comprehensive. I live and die by the stats! Best of Luck!
  • Hello, good question, and great job for making a plan. Most people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan - so you're already a leg up on most! My first recommendation is to ask your doctor before starting any program. Next, set yourself up for success. If you haven't been exercising, this might be an aggressive goal and…
  • I suggest you still eat every two to three hours during the day, small calorie and carb controlled meals (like a protein shake/bar.) I prefer to use the Take Shape For Life System (http://sassy.tsfl.com) but Jillian Michael 100 calorie shakes work too. I've tried both. Also, you can pre-eat. Have a salad with 0-calorie…
  • It depends on what 1200 calories you eat. All calories are not equal. Calories from protein will help you feel full longer, while empty sugar calories will make you feel hungrier sooner. I am staying at or below 1200 calories. When I eat a balance of protein and low impact cards (high fiber, low sugar) I lose more weight…
  • Wow, thanks for posting! I'm removed.