so i think people are lying



  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I work out and burn at least 500 calories a day so that I can eat at least 1700 calories a day.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    I'll tell you that I am consistently below 1200 calories a day and am almost never hungry. (And I'm not lying.) Before I started this journey I read the book _The Mayo Clinic Diet_ which recommends eating at least 4 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit each day (and a serving of vegetables is *way* more than I thought it was), and no snacks other than vegetables and fruits. Consequently, I've been eating lots more vegetables than I ever have before. They fill me up, and have very few calories. I'm also burning at least 350 calories a day working out.

    So, my advice (and it's worth about as much as the paper it's written on :smile: ) is to try eating more vegetables. I usually include baby carrots, sliced cucumber, and fresh bell peppers every day, among other things.

    Good luck to you. As lots of other people have posted here, everyone is different.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    You also assume that evryone here has trouble with food and eat too much. It's not my case... I need to lose weight after giving birth to my 6th child. I gained 25 pounds so my weigth gaine was not excessive. I can honestly say that I feel llke I eat all day long at 1200 cals and sometime, after a long day, a rather go to bed then try to eat 300-400 more calories. I remember some night that the reason I don't want to's because I will have to eat those darn calories LOL
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I'm set at 1200 calories and honestly...some days it's hard to even hit that! I don't know why it's so hard to believe?!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    It really depends, because I am on a 1200 calories diet plan and have trouble eating all 1200. I usually get around 800-1000 in a day. It's just because my body has gotten used to this. I also drink A LOT of water. I drink water before every meal and I keep a bottle with me at all times. I'm also petite, though.
    It depends on the person but it also depends where you get your calories. 1200 is.. a lot of food for me. An entire cup of carrot sticks is 60, a banana is 100, I can get healthy calories and feel fuller quicker!

    This is how I feel! I'm 5'9 though and it's the same way for me. I'm drinking water all day long and eat lots of fruits, veggies...stuff like that. Filling food and it's healthy/low calories. Some days it's really hard to meet my 1200 goal! Glad to see I'm not the only one!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member

    This is how I feel! I'm 5'9 though and it's the same way for me. I'm drinking water all day long and eat lots of fruits, veggies...stuff like that. Filling food and it's healthy/low calories. Some days it's really hard to meet my 1200 goal! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

    Exactly how I feel! It's all about eating dense, low-cal, fresh, high protein, CLEAN foods - you can fill up on those no problemo! :)
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Didn't read through all of the posts so if this is the same as someone has already replied, sorry. The beginning size/baseline of the person and their previous eating habits can affect the calorie intake their body is comfortable with when they are tracking. The amount of exercise/activity can also affect appetite. There are so many factors I think you just have to find your own comfort zone and make it work for you.I started out thinking 1200cal and then remembered when I did Jorge Cruise a few years back that he uses a graduated scale based on beginning weight so I upped my goal to 1500 for starters. Once I get to a point where I quit losing I will readjust my daily goal.

    Good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I see the 1200 / day and not hungry posts and yes, it's hard to believe, but I have to remember I have a pretty high activity level on a given day and will eat considerably more than many on this site and still lose weight.

    There's some days when I can barely eat, though. No idea why. I go from absolutely ravenous to just...meh...don't feel like eating.
  • DawniesLife
    I think some people have been pretty rude with their comments on this thread to say the very least.

    My normal calorie intake is set to 1200 a day. Because I am mostly sedentary and sit at a desk for most of the day. Unless I get up and exercise then of course I am allotted more calories. With that said, there have been a couple days where 1200 calories have felt like not enough, but when I review my foods for those days, either my fiber is low or my protein is low and I made terrible food choices. But when I pick the right foods, I am stuffed at 1200 calories if not before then. I always make my 1200 net calories when I don't exercise. My problem is when I do exercise and I need to intake more than my 1200 because my exercising upped the amount I need to eat. I find myself having a hard time getting back up to the net 1200 calories. I am absolutely stuffed right now and I have eaten 1,324 calories today but I burned 660 today exercising which makes my net calories 664 and I am honestly not hungry at all. I will eat a bit more later as I know I need more calories. But I don't think people are lying, if you pick the right foods, it is not hard to be satisfied at 1200 calories (depending on height, weight , age, activity level). My food diary is public also.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member

    This is how I feel! I'm 5'9 though and it's the same way for me. I'm drinking water all day long and eat lots of fruits, veggies...stuff like that. Filling food and it's healthy/low calories. Some days it's really hard to meet my 1200 goal! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

    Exactly how I feel! It's all about eating dense, low-cal, fresh, high protein, CLEAN foods - you can fill up on those no problemo! :)

    Agreed. i drink 12 cups of water a day, and i eat a lot of fruit & vegetables. i am usually completely satisfied by the end of the day on 1200 calories.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member

    This is how I feel! I'm 5'9 though and it's the same way for me. I'm drinking water all day long and eat lots of fruits, veggies...stuff like that. Filling food and it's healthy/low calories. Some days it's really hard to meet my 1200 goal! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

    Exactly how I feel! It's all about eating dense, low-cal, fresh, high protein, CLEAN foods - you can fill up on those no problemo! :)

    Agreed. I can honestly say that I'm never hungry with the 1200 calories a day that I eat. If I overeat, it's because of cravings, not physical hunger. And yes, I run most days ... but I still get enough food to satiate me.

    I agree that the difference maker isn't how many calories you're eating, but what you're eating. I'm a believe in eating "clean." If you want help, check out Tosca Reno's book on Clean Eating. You'll also find a lot about eating clean in Oxygen magazine (my favorite!). There is also a book about eating volume (healthful) and if I remember right, it's something like "volumetrics." That's how I do it, and can honestly tell you, I'm not hungry at all. Even hubby says the same!
  • fatallysassy
    fatallysassy Posts: 7 Member
    It depends on what 1200 calories you eat. All calories are not equal.

    Calories from protein will help you feel full longer, while empty sugar calories will make you feel hungrier sooner. I am staying at or below 1200 calories. When I eat a balance of protein and low impact cards (high fiber, low sugar) I lose more weight and feel happier. When I eat 1200 sugary calories, I feel starved!

    Think about it like this:

    Morning: Protein shake - 100 calories (with Skim milk 180 calories)
    Mid-morning: Low calorie Oatmeal - 110 calories (with almonds/walnuts 160 calories)
    Lunch: Soup - 110 to 200 calories
    Mid-Afternoon: Protein Bar - 115 calories
    Dinner: Lean and Green meal 4-6 ounces lean meat and 2 cups green veggies - 450 calories
    Evening: Protein Shake - 100 calories (with Skim milk 180 calories)
    Snack: CarbMaster Yogurt - 60 - 80 calories or Jiffy 94% fat-free popcorn (1 serving) 100 calories

    This is my diet every day. For variety, I add a Starbucks Via single to my shakes. I have a cup of tea sometimes when I'm hungry. I drink water if I feel really hungry and chew a stick of sugar free gum. When I 'behave' I don't feel hungry. :D

    I started eating healthy in March 2010. I was 240lbs. Now I am 177lbs. I gained and then lost 10 pounds over Thanksgiving and Christmas because I temporarily lost my mind, deviated from what I know works.

    My advise is stick to a schedule, eat fiber rich carbs and lean proteins. You'll make it! I know you can. While calories in vs. calories out - not all calories are created equal!

    Best of luck!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    It's definitely about the food. Tonight my plate of food was so big and full that my partner asked if I was having a cheat night. Nope! I had just made shrimp and broccoli, which are both pretty low cal. I used essentially calorie-free seasoning and 100 calories worth of a seasoned oil, so for about 400 calories I had enough food that I was stuffed! However, if I had eaten just a sandwhich with diet bread, etc I would have been hungry later.
  • I think there is a little confusion as to the definition of "hungry." There is physically hungry: your stomach growls, you feel tired, irritable, even light-headed. Then there is having an appetite: you just want to eat, you do not need to eat, your body has enough energy.
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    I think some people feel hunger a little differently. My husband just doesn't ever get hunger feelings. I am ALWAYS hungry! I must have a strong hunger response, because if I don't feel hungry, I don't lose. So I work to stay within the recommended calories, and deal with the discomfort.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member

    This is how I feel! I'm 5'9 though and it's the same way for me. I'm drinking water all day long and eat lots of fruits, veggies...stuff like that. Filling food and it's healthy/low calories. Some days it's really hard to meet my 1200 goal! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

    Exactly how I feel! It's all about eating dense, low-cal, fresh, high protein, CLEAN foods - you can fill up on those no problemo! :)

    Agreed. I can honestly say that I'm never hungry with the 1200 calories a day that I eat. If I overeat, it's because of cravings, not physical hunger. And yes, I run most days ... but I still get enough food to satiate me.

    I agree that the difference maker isn't how many calories you're eating, but what you're eating. I'm a believe in eating "clean." If you want help, check out Tosca Reno's book on Clean Eating. You'll also find a lot about eating clean in Oxygen magazine (my favorite!). There is also a book about eating volume (healthful) and if I remember right, it's something like "volumetrics." That's how I do it, and can honestly tell you, I'm not hungry at all. Even hubby says the same!

    I agree