so i think people are lying



  • People who are "consuming 1200 calories a day" are also working out a lot to be able to eat more. Technically they are eating more but that is all that's being counted because the other calories they are exercising off, know what I'm saying? And that's just a general statement, there might be some people who eat 1200 without exercise but the majority do not.
  • Of course I can't speak to other peoples theories of dieting or logging truthfully their daily nutrition. But, speaking for myself and my own diet methods, keeping a log of my daily food and exercise has allowed me to give my diet plan a strong sense of purpose.

    As for not being hungry at the end of our allotted calorie count, sure, from time to time I feel exactly the way that you do. Those lingering pangs of hunger are an aggravating distraction from the goal at hand. I fight these underlying desires all the time.

    I have recently found "Dannon Light and Fit" Yogurts which at 80 calories are a very useful method of stemming these underlying desires to eat food that would put me past my stated caloric intake goals.

    If your hopes are to actually lose a substantial amount of weight and learn to keep this weight off over a long period of time, then it is essential to train yourself to avoid the pitfalls of succumbing to snacking or eating food that would put you outside your goals.

    I know that for myself personally, that aside from my Wife and Family, there has been no greater joy in my life thus far than to have finally shed some of the unwanted pounds that will ultimately help me lead a healthier life.

    I wish the very best of good fortune with your diet and the hope that you will succeed in becoming the healthier person that you are choosing to be.
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    Most days I eat a under 1200 and I'm not starving or anything. I don't exercise a lot, but I do Wii Fit almost every day. I probably should eat more though, because I'm not really losing any weight and I've been on this diet for two weeks.
  • I think until you get yourself in a better balanced place you will be hungry.... it's a good thing. You need to feel that especially at the beginning.... you'll get used to it.... your tummy is trying to just maintain your weight... you're trying to decrease it from what you're used to. Stick with it.... make that many calories normal.... your fat would like to feed itself... what you feel is your body eating the fat stores that you have built up and your fat does not want that to happen... it does not want to go away... but go it must!!! :) Also... fill yourself up with the low calorie healthy stuff... carrots... pack your tummy with those instead of soda or juice...
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I think it's very possible to eat 1200 calories and not be hungry. It just depends on what type of food you're eating. If you're eating high calorie high carb food for each meal, you're most likely going to get to that 1200 calories really quick, then be hungry because it's dinner time and you used most or all of your calories on junk. But if you change your eating habits, to eat more protein, fruits and veggies throughout the day, you can reach your 1200 and feel stuffed. Also when it comes to exercise, everyone isn't the same. When I exercise it actually subdues my appetite and makes me less hungry.
  • Yes I agree with you; 1200 calories is way too little; I could handle but would be starved to death.
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    I can't do 1200 calories a day. I have to work out so I can be able to eat more a day. I still keep under the calorie guide. If you are trying to stay under 1200 calories and working out. You are starving yourself.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    In the beginning I just changed my thought process on hungry. I knew that I needed to eat less to lose weight. I figured if I was hungry than my body was turning on itself and eating my fat. I was starving for 2 or 3 weeks. Then I wasn't hungry anymore. It seriously took very little food to fill me up. I had to try to get my self hungry. Now I find myself eating when I am not very hungry because I need the calories. It very well my not sound true, but this is my truth.
  • Hi,
    Im fine eating 1200, however I drink 2 lts of water easily each day.
    If you exercise you cand and should eat a bit extra.
    Go to tools and check your BMR.
    Try to eat hight protien foods for feeling fuller.
    Cheers from Australia. :flowerforyou:
  • Wow,,,,your weight loss is amazing.
    Can I ask a question please. ?
    Do you eat your exercise calories?
    I keep hearing conflicting stories.
    Nat from Australia.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    When I have to work I am always hungry, even on 1800 calories a day, but I only get 6 hours of sleep if I'm lucky on those days. When I'm off, if I get to sleep in, I've had days where I had a hard time reaching 1200 calories. Mostly due to time restrictions. I try to average about 300 calories every 3 hours.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I've been averaging 1400 cals a day.

    Somedays I'm really full. Other days (like last night) I am hungry.

    Instead of dreaming of food, I just went and made myself a snack of an apple and 10 cheezits. LOL

    That won't break my flow ;)
  • aeragusa
    aeragusa Posts: 40 Member
    Well, it really depends on what you eat, when you're eating it, and how much water you drink. I try to eat 5 times a day if possible (and maybe a 6th if I want some dessert!) and I've found that these between meal snacks have cut down what I eat for lunch and dinner by nearly half. Add a whole bunch of water to that, and it makes it really doable. Everyone is different, though! Try a different variety in foods rich in fiber and see if that helps.
  • completely depends what you eat and exercise, sometimes I struggle to eat 1200, well most times but then sometimes I eat more, and mostly I'm not hungry, but not always.
    I actually believe we're very rarely hungry, it's boredom, gotta keep busy, if I'm busy at work I have to remind myself to have lunch, doesn't always have to be exercise. ;-)
  • im doing insanity work out and trainer recomends to never ever go below 1300 and have 5 meals a day so needless to say im never hungry lol and of course drink a lot of water =D
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    MFP set my goal at 1200 calories. I can eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack or two and not hit 1200. It can be done. Some days I don't even hit it. 250-300 calories of a healthy high fiber breakfast is more filling and can keep you fuller longer than 500 calories of a bad breakfast.

    1200 is the general number used as the minimum calorie intake for the day - it's higher for men. If you go under that for too long then yes your body will start to protest and hang on to fat. I'm living fact of that. Before I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia my day would consist of coffee all day and then dinner - and some munching at night. Lots of bad foods, no fruits and veggies, too much sugar, etc. I would go days without drinking any water. I didn't keep track then but I know I never hit 1200 - probably not even 1000. And I was putting on weight, not losing. I gained almost 20 pounds in a year.

    And this isn't a lie. At this time last year I was almost 140 pounds - my highest ever. Now I'm at 126.8 And I eat more in a day than I ever have in the past. (I can get a huuuuuge salad from the salad bar at work. It will work out to around 350-400 calories and I can't finish it!)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    at first i thought this was a rude statement but then i thought about it and i totally agree. i don't understand how we all became overweight, obese, and then some if it was SO HARD to get to 1200 calories. obviously we all were used to eating above and beyond that. i started in an almost healthy weight range and i was STARVING at 1200 calories. when i went to bed my stomach would growl and i couldn't fall asleep and i was eating healthy food that was filling. i don't quite get how people find it so difficult to get to that 1200.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I think it's very possible to eat 1200 calories and not be hungry. It just depends on what type of food you're eating. If you're eating high calorie high carb food for each meal, you're most likely going to get to that 1200 calories really quick, then be hungry because it's dinner time and you used most or all of your calories on junk. But if you change your eating habits, to eat more protein, fruits and veggies throughout the day, you can reach your 1200 and feel stuffed. Also when it comes to exercise, everyone isn't the same. When I exercise it actually subdues my appetite and makes me less hungry.

    ** This is almost word for word how my response was going to play out! My only opportunity to work out is after work on 2 nights and then after my grad classes on the other 3 (which gets me in the door at home around 10) my workouts often lead to lack of hunger, but i know ive just burned some of those cal's off, so ill try to get a low fat string cheese or maybe even a yogurt in and then call it a night..

    I am sure there are people out there who are just saying they arent hungry, but there are those of us, who really dont feel hungry (after eating the right choices) after 1200 cals!!

    Try switching up your diet, what a world of difference it can make :)

    Good Luck
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I keep hearing this " I'm at 1200 calories and I'm not hungry....I don't know what to do!" I think people are so entranced with the idea of a perfect plan that when they hit 1200 they telll themsleves they are not hungry no matter what. I'm saying that when I work out hard, I don't have a hard time eating more cuz I am starving!!! The 1200 calorie thing baffles me because I feel like no matter what, I can do something to hit my calorie mark. I love food and food loves me....
    depends on what exactly your eating..I stick to 1200 but I tend to always eat high fiber and tons of green veggies and lentils
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    This seems to have turned into everyone trying to give me advice on how to stay fuller longer and keep my calories down. I'm not looking for help, I was just making a point about people not eating a lot. Also, while I realize that it does depend on what types of food you are eating as to whether or not you are always hungry or rarely hungry (and how often you eat) that doesn't mean it's good for you to eat all veggies and lean meats. You need grains and fats in your diet as well to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals and unfortunatly those things are way higher in calories than vegetables. I am a vegtarian and I feel I eat a pretty healthy diet and I allow myself treats and I have lost weight, most of the 37 pounds I've lost I lost between last January and this past summer and have maintained since then. I also eat well over 1200 calories most days, with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and some fats. I just don't understand how a person can eat a healthy and balanced diet and be satisfied at only 1200 calories on a regular basis. That's my point
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