so i think people are lying

I keep hearing this " I'm at 1200 calories and I'm not hungry....I don't know what to do!" I think people are so entranced with the idea of a perfect plan that when they hit 1200 they telll themsleves they are not hungry no matter what. I'm saying that when I work out hard, I don't have a hard time eating more cuz I am starving!!! The 1200 calorie thing baffles me because I feel like no matter what, I can do something to hit my calorie mark. I love food and food loves me....


  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    1200 is so low!..JM recommends 1600 healthy cals, too little will work against you!
  • Scarletblue
    I would LOVE to be able to convince myself I am not hungry.
  • jjcollins83
    oh no im starving well was till i started working out so i can eat more
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    it ain't me! lol...I'm usually trying to cut back when I'm hitting 1200 calories on most days!
  • brandygburke
    brandygburke Posts: 48 Member
    I'm at 1200 and I literally don't feel hungry. I think it's because I never really ate before, BUT I drank about a 2ltr of pop a day total, and that's how I got my calories, I just drank them all (that and beer). Since I've stopped drinking the pop like that, I've had to force myself to eat. Everyone is different - but I won't lie, SOMETIMES I do get really flipping hungry and have to eat right away.... like I said, just used to my pop!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    It depends on what you eat--if you're cutting out carbs, it's easy to be under 1200 and still feel full. If you're like me, and you'd probably go postal without starch in your day, it's almost impossible to stay at or below 1200 and feel full.
  • glittersoul
    I think it depends on what type of food you are eating, how much you are working out and also the amount of water/liquids you are drinking.
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I think it really depends on what the person is doing. Like you said, if you working out, of course you are gonna be hungry. When i work out, 1200 cals is not enuf even though my limit is 1350. I havent worked out in 2 weeks and 1350 is more than enough for me because very seldom do i finish the whole thing. But see when i work out, total different ball game cuz your metabolism is revved and you need to satisfy it
  • Belle_Fille
    MFP suggested like 1900 and something for me if I want to lose 1lb a week. Seems kinda high (I thought) but I AM breastfeeding my 1 year old so I will follow it to an extent. Meaning not worry if I get to 1900, but im not going to force myself to eat if i'm not hungry either. just going to listen to my body.
  • clutzeemeg
    I was trying to do 1480 and I had a hard time hitting it - I figured I was setting myself up for failure considering my body was used to a good 2500 a day (or more). I raised it to 1650, which I've been more consistent with. When I'm ready to move down to 1480, I will gradually, but I can't imagine being at 1200, let alone not being hungry at 1200.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm at 1200 and I literally don't feel hungry. I think it's because I never really ate before, BUT I drank about a 2ltr of pop a day total, and that's how I got my calories, I just drank them all (that and beer). Since I've stopped drinking the pop like that, I've had to force myself to eat. Everyone is different - but I won't lie, SOMETIMES I do get really flipping hungry and have to eat right away.... like I said, just used to my pop!

    Ok so I've never been a soda dinker and I guess I can understand where you are coming from. Otherwise... No. food is no food. You can't get yourself used to eating too little,,,without trying
  • kbairdphillips
    kbairdphillips Posts: 275 Member
    I just drink a lot of water. I usually down a 16 oz bottle of water before each meal and then I sip water all day and it keeps me full. I also it small meals and light snacks so I feel like I'm eating all day, I think that might help too. But, I usually don't feel hungry. My problem is cravings!
  • Zumbalady808
    When you work out you eat those calories + your 1200, if you don't you will be starving and your body will start to go in starvation mode.. When You don't workout you don't need all that extra fuel.. I know it's hard to fathom!!!! Like me tonight I went over my 1200 by 500 calories, but I at like 500 calories in snacks, so if I wasn't snacking I'd be fine!!!!

    You really have to watch what you eat, remember protein makes you fuller and more satisfied, drinking your 8 glass of water a day, if you can't do it fill you self up with low calorie juices just make sure to keep yourself hydrated.

    Now another suggestion get the BODY FOR LIFE book that will change your whole mind set on food and teach you all about how to eat and be healthy....
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    When I first started I thought there was no way I could stick to 1200 calories. After a few weeks my body got use to it and now I have no problems at all. I eat 3 meals a day plus snacks here and there. I actually eat a whole bag of popcorn every night!
    I just upped my calories to 1330 and I am actually having a hard time getting there, I am so use to the 1200 and I found if I went over the 1200 by much I just throw in an extra exercise and have another snack. It all evened out.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Been here for over a year and lost 37 lbs, just to let you know.. I can't comprehend a person not being able to get to 1200 cals... Not possible to do healthy and long term in my book...
  • a2canadian
    if you eat less for 2-3 weeks your stomach will shrink and you will need less to sustain yourself. At first you will be hungry all the time but conscious and regular snacking (on good foods) will keep the hunger in check and after a while you will be unable to tuck away the same ammount of food that you ate on a regular basis before.

    Also... drinking a glass of water before you eat helps you avoid over-eating. 1200 calories seems like a small amount but consider this... there are about 5 calories in a large piece of celery and 110 in a boneless skinless chicken breast. If you adopted the most ill-advised diet ever, you could eat 10 chicken breasts and 20 pieces of celery a day to hit that mark.... not including exercise. You could run for 30 minutes at a 10 minute mile and take down an extra 5 chicken breasts... so the big question is where you are getting your calories from. Maybe you should carry around a cooked chicken breast and eat that whenever you feel hungry between meal times.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm geniunely not hungry BUT because of a back injury i'm pretty much 100% either sitting or lying down

    I bet if I was up being busy and working out then the 1200 cal would be hunger making
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I think it depends on the person, I try to stay @ 1200 and I'm not hungry, if you eat 6-7 small meals a day all equal to 1200 and don't drink your cals, you will be fine. I'm 5'4 @ 145
  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    I have always found it very difficult to discover where full was... but I am finally figuring it out and right now I am way under eating I do not mean to be but I am actually feeling the sensation of "that is enough",,,I am not going nuts on exercise but I am doing a little something everyday... but I do understand the insatiable desire to eat what ever is in sight... been there done that for sure....
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I agree with you, I used to have a blog on a different fitness site and I left because there seemed to be a lot of "I only ate 900 calories today b/c I wasn't hungry and just couldn't do it". Unlike a lot of people I do make myself eat every few hours, even if I'm not hungry, to keep my calories up and my metabolism burning. Eating what your body needs is the best way to stay healthy while losing. Plus, you should never feel hungry to begin with, so yes I eat before the hunger pangs have a chance to appear. By the time you FEEL hungry your metabolism has already started to slow to conserve calories.

    I also have to say I think the idea of water being satiating is insane. I drink 10 cups + of water in a day, at least 16 oz with every meal, and back when I WAS doing 1200 calories I still felt like I was starving all the time.

    A lot of it is mental, too. I've read a few eating disorder blogs in my time and a couple of them claimed to never be hungry even though they hardly ate at all. If you're convinced you don't need it and it's going to be BAD for you then you're not going to desire it.