

  • I have been away a while too and need someone that can be accountable with me! Looking to lose 40-50 pounds
  • The shakes are for MEAL REPLACEMENT not supplement, if you want to lose weight then you REPLACE a meal if you want to gain weight then you SUPPLEMENT a meal. YOur husband is right but in the wrong context, so call it a draw and go for it! I loke my shakes mixed with ICE and milk of for a special treat, frozen yogurt! good…
  • When my daughter said "mommy is there still a baby in there?" Children are honest and that made me want to get up and change it!
  • Sure you could lose it, you will feel like crap, have no energy, and once you are done losing the weight it will come back, most likely it will bring a few more pounds with it. Your best and safest route is to slow down. Your first week you will probably see the most weight loss due to water weight but after that keep it…
  • Time! Stretch marks are like a drunk lying on your belly the only way to sober them up(shrink/hide) is to give them time, they fade at their own rate and in their own way. Using a good moisturizer and staying well hydrated helps but stretch marks are scars that are hereditary not only can you not avoid them you can make…
  • Hey if we don't confront our problems head on they will bite us on the backside later! Keep at it and soon enough your chest will be the only thing with boobs!
  • Mix up your own trail mix. Nuts are full of protein and dried fruit can curb sweet cravings. I find prepackaged trail mix has lots of stuff that I don't care for so I buy the nuts I like and the dried fruit I like then I usually throw in homemade granola clusters. Put it in a bag and keep it with you. much on it when you…
  • Moderation! I am on a 1200 calorie diet as well and I find it hard to stick to it when I exercise. I like to eat low calorie foods that stick with you. I will add peanut butter to my apples when I am feeling really hungry. I have tried appetite suppressants but all they do is set you up for failure, they don't actually…
  • I use frozen vegetables all the time. They are quick, easy, and convenient! I keep plenty on hand to make home-made soups and use for sides to meals. I even freeze fresh veggies that I find on sale to keep "fresh" them all year!
  • I had 3 kids 3 years apart and each one of them gave me stretch marks in new places! Now that my youngest is a little over 2 years most of them have faded and if I keep a healthy tan they fade even more. Stretch marks are like battle wounds and when you can embrace them you can conquer all!