

  • I would totally buy an elliptical. I have one and they kick butt in the calorie burning department! You would burn twice as many calories with an elliptical then a stationary bike, maybe even three times more. An hour burns 800 plus calories!!
  • Thank you for the advice. I am barely getting back into exercising, I find I can not sleep, and am sleepy all day long so some of what you said is right on target! Thank you.
  • Thanks for your encouraging words! Sometimes I just need to hear I can do it. As for you, I'm sure you will be working out in no time.
  • Jessica, I have twins too, my boys just turned 13 in Nov.. I don't have 6 kids but I do have 4. I have been trying to get back on track and i have been doing poorly. I ate half a pizza from Pizzahut last weekend. So I guess i'm not doing so well on the "healthy" choices! I did join this site yesterday, so I guess I want…
  • I'm so glad to find I am not alone. I feel unworthy because i have gained weight. I am looking forward to losing weight and tracking it online so i can see my progress! You can do it! No more feeling ashamed!!