I am new and looking for some support

jessica_benson Posts: 55
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 27year old mother of 6. My childrens ages are 9yr old, 8yr old, 7yr old twins, a 5yr old and a 4 month old. i just recently began my journey into this healthy life style and I have not done very well with sticking to it. I could really use some helo and encouragement. my personal email is jessica_size@yahoo.com. I would love to talk with anyone who has had some of the same struggles or some one currently going through the same sort of things. Thanks, Jessica:ohwell:


  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    First off, what an amazing woman you are! 6 kids!? I get overwhelmed with my two year old and a dog! Ha ha! Anyways, this is the site to be at. The ladies here are amazing and super encouraging. There is a wealth of information here that is absolutely free! Please feel free to write me anytime! I'm following a no refined sugar and low carb diet as of right now and so far I've had more energy then I have had all year! Its so hard to do and even with feeling better, last night I had such a rough night with cravings! Ah well! You are in the right spot! Much love and Merry Christmas!

  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    First, that makes you a strong woman-- 6 kiddos? I have a hard time keeping up with my husband and 8 yr old son! :)

    I'm glad you're here-- this site has way cool features and I use them even when I'm having a not so good day with my eating or working out (or both). For me, it's a never give up situation-- and I always look at it as I am and always will be a work in progress. It helps me to look at it as more long term. I take it a day at a time and if I mess up-- it's not the end of the world.

    Just hang in there when it gets rough. It gets easier.
  • hello my name is rubina and i am new actully i have confusion of deciding what to eat i am 25 year old and my weight is 59 kg and hight 156 cm. i am house wife. i have a problem with me actully my sleeping habits are realy bad i go to the bed at morning 2 or 3 am and awake up in after noon so thats why only take 2 meal a day one at 2 or 3 pm and dinner. i normaly use fresh vegitable and fruites in my first meal and in dinner i eat roti some body tell me some more tips i am also using kellog's cerial.
  • Wow, 6 kids!! I have two and can barely keep up! I am new here also, and mainly joined to keep a food journal. I have found that in just keeping track of what I eat has made me more mindful of staying away from the junk food.
    This is a great site for encouragement and information. You'll find alot of helpful topics and the people here seem very nice and encouraging! Good Luck!!!
  • Jessica, I have twins too, my boys just turned 13 in Nov.. I don't have 6 kids but I do have 4. I have been trying to get back on track and i have been doing poorly. I ate half a pizza from Pizzahut last weekend. So I guess i'm not doing so well on the "healthy" choices! I did join this site yesterday, so I guess I want something to change. I will not be eating out for awhile.
    I think we all need support, it's hard to stay motivated especially when you are home all day like i am.
    A food journal really works. I use to write down everything I ate in one, i got tired of it. Online is better! This is why I joined. Good luck Jessica!! Hit me up, we can motivate each other.
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