Hate exercising!!

Roschelle Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Does anybody out there try to get out of doing exercise like i do? I have nobody to answer to but myself, but it turns out I'm my worst critic..lol
I feel like a winner once I have spent an hour an that dang elliptical, like i have accomplished something.
I once heard somewhere that, nobody likes to workout but think of it as brushing your teeth. You don't like brushing, you must. Same as exercising, not fun but a must! Thank goodness for this website to keep me on track!
Tell me your experiences with exercise, your funny stories. I for instance like to have a tummy ache or headache around workout time...lol


  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    I like working out but I have this injury right now and I can't and I SOOOOOOO miss it. I get bored at home at night and I need something to do!

    You can do this! IF I can get off my butt and actually like doing it then you can too. :)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, I mean, there's got to be SOME activity that you like. Exercising shouldn't necessarilly be a chore. Find things you enjoy, or at the very least, tolerate, and do those. In fact trying to force yourself to do exercises that you hate isn't something I'd recommend at all, as it will foster negative emotions, which can lead to stress, depression, and lethargy, none of which are good for your healthy.

    I know a lot of people say they "hate spinning" or they "hate freeweights" and then go and do them every week, but they usually don't really hate them, they usually only tolerate them, but love how they feel/look after. If you really HATE an exercise, you shouldn't do it (unless it's for a medical program, like rehab or something).
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love working out. I love the feeling I get while I achieve something, I love the sweat pouring off me and I absolutely love the euphroic feeling after a good work out at the gym. That being said, exercise does not have to be a gym workout, it can be a hike, skiing, dancing or swimming. I do lane swimming 3 times a week, weight training twice a week and spend 5 - 6 mornings a week on the elliptical for at least 40 minutes. We walk our dogs on nice long walks regularly and go hiking when the weather is better. I enjoy doing all of this.

    Usually I do my work outs in the morning so I have no excuses after work, such as I am tired/hungry or I have laundry to do. I do my lane swimming or walking at lunch because it gives me a break from my desk and our gym is 5 minutes from work.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There are times when I love it and times when I can barely get through it. Try something like aerobics- I pop in a video, and I know I'm not sitting down until it's done whether I like it or not. Sometimes it's harder to force yourself to workout on a machine for half an hour or an hour.

    I agree though, try to find something you can enjoy or at the very least tolerate without misery. :)
  • Anumie23
    Anumie23 Posts: 33 Member
    I try and make it fun. I love walking and listening to a new cd I just downloaded. So everytime I get a new cd I'm so excited to get out there and walk so I can listen to it while I do it! So I focus on the music I get to listen to during the walk rather than the walk itself.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I remember I really enjoyed taking some dance classes- if you haven't before, some of them are really challenging- I took Swing Dancing, Salsa, Ballroom - lots of different stuff, and I tell you, Salsa and Swing can really get you going! I agree - make it something you enjoy, and if you don't enjoy it, find a way to make it easier - listening to some really fast, pumping energetic music can make the time go by... or if you do things at home, I've heard if you do them while watching a movie or something, you don't even notice.. If you hate it though, you'll keep making excuses, and eventually you'll not do it at all.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have to agree with the music thing. My ipod is my best friend at the gym. I have play lists for different things that I do. This morning I was exercising to Andrea Bocelli's Christmas CD!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I love walking, especially outside when its nice. So much to see. Even nicer when you're doing it with someone and you can walk & talk. Suggest you try that. If its too cold or wet where you are, then suggest you go to an indoor mall if you don't have access to a treadmill and walk there. Substitute looking in the display windows for looking at the scenery. If you have a walking partner in the mall, make a window shopping outing out of it. and compare notes over a cup of coffee or tea afterwards about what you liked. Just don't stop to look at things. There will be plenty of time for going back to do that after you've compared notes on what you each saw that you liked.

    If you do have access to a treadmill, you can watch TV, listen to music, or even read while you walk. You can always find something to do to make it fun.
  • Thanks for your encouraging words! Sometimes I just need to hear I can do it.
    As for you, I'm sure you will be working out in no time.
  • Thank you for the advice. I am barely getting back into exercising, I find I can not sleep, and am sleepy all day long so some of what you said is right on target! Thank you.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I dont really enjoy exercise either, until now. I got a wii fit, and its more fun then exercise.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Does anybody out there try to get out of doing exercise like i do? I have nobody to answer to but myself, but it turns out I'm my worst critic..lol
    I feel like a winner once I have spent an hour an that dang elliptical, like i have accomplished something.
    I once heard somewhere that, nobody likes to workout but think of it as brushing your teeth. You don't like brushing, you must. Same as exercising, not fun but a must! Thank goodness for this website to keep me on track!
    Tell me your experiences with exercise, your funny stories. I for instance like to have a tummy ache or headache around workout time...lol

    Since I've started working out with my trainer in September, 3x a week, I've never missed a class. That extra motivation helped a lot, and I have to say, I actually enjoy jogging now!

    Try finding something that you like and that you can see yourself doing for...ever :). There's no point in starting something because you feel like you "have" to only to stop because you hate it.

    And nothing beats working out in the outdoors! So good luck and get moving!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I dont really enjoy exercise either, until now. I got a wii fit, and its more fun then exercise.

    What are you doing on the Wii fit? I'm getting a Wii for Christmas- don't know if we've got the Wii fit games though.
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