

  • Thanks for that will check them out
  • Hi there I've just joined the group. I have four young children so gym was out for me. Been very unfit for some time and have so far successfully stayed with some serious exercise for 10 days now which is huge for undisciplined old me. At the moment I've joined a group on here, 30 Day Shred and I've been doing that. If you…
  • Yeah I've definitely been feeling it in the arms. Last two days have done first one with no wieghts and second set finished strong with weights. I've had trouble with the jump rope though. Had sore calves, and think I may have slightly strained one today. Any recommendations about that?
  • Thanks guys - I'm about to do day 2 time to see how we go with sore muscles!
  • Try switching up your routine as to surprise your muscles again! Can help to stop a plateau.
  • Just joined this group to. Been out of shape for a while now and just keep doing bits and pieces but time to get serious. Just done my first day of level one. It's a killer. Definitely a challenge where encouragement will come in handy :happy:
  • Just joined, looking forward to having some people alongside, it will be good to start the new year with some success instead of the culmination of a bad year!