

  • Please tell me you are gettin the doggie a DW style collar too then oooh u now gave me an idea for a new beaded dog collar design to go with my DW bracelets lol now would love to see the pics of the TARDIS dog house when done. What kind of Dog is the Doctor then ??
  • saw this on facebook n i do it every time i watch DW now least some of em sometimes im just so engrossed in the scene going on i forget lol. EVERYTIME someone says Doctor = 10 jumping jacks Doctor says RUN = 15 Squats Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver = 10 crunches someone gets in or out of TARDIS = 10 bycycles You hear…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • just joined this group today found the sorting hat link n it says gryfindor but i have no clue what should do next lol so i will hunt around on the group some n see what is here i think.
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with exercise like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • im sara and new to this group and MFP today but i am a walker already i joined the couch to 5k program but i was not determined enough to actually do it as supposed too nothing to motivate me and keep me going, i have my challenges with running like i have no right knee cap i have a prosthetic vertebrae and even after…
  • at one point i thought oswin is going to be 10s daughter jennie as the ship chair is the same but then i had to remember they reuse same props all the time. remember the look jennie gave at the end it is the same look soufle girl did when she said run u clever boy. cant wait to find out more who needs christmas long as i…
  • hi i'm sara and new to MFP today found this group and knew i had to join. For one i have a brother with aspergers now an adult i have a 16 yr old nephew who is autistic and i myself have aspergers nearly 40yrs old now and trying not to let it hold me back in my life. I am not sure if i want to lose a lot of weight as i am…