0305bp Member


  • I'm glad you are willing to let it go. Unsolicited dietary advice is seldom welcome or helpful (even if it's the "right" advice). People eat crap all the time, at least most of her crap is green veggies. That said, it couldn't hurt to talk positively about successes you have and engage in conversation that way.
  • My “right” I mean I am eating fairly nutrient rich foods, which should help with ensuring proper nutrition over calorie dense but nutrient poor options.
  • I’m a week in. I don’t weight food when I eat it, but I’m prepping everything at home so it should even out over the week (ie the bag of cauliflower stir fry has 200 calories and it’s split between two days, a lb of ground beef over three, etc). I am losing weight, and once again a lot of that is probably water weight from…
  • I’m not weighing food when I eat it, so I wasn’t too worried about the first low day (early in the week), that shows 750 calories. At the same time, I know I made a lb of ground beef/ a bag of cauliflower and ate it over a few days so they do even out over that time. I’m eating the right things and until I’m no longer full…
  • I’m about the same height as you, I could barely squeeze into a size 12 at 185, let alone at 200 lbs and am a solid size 8 at 160. We are all shaped differently so it’s really hard to relate to your numbers. The weight just doesn’t show on your frame. I would just say you look like you are as light as you should get. But…
  • Update: this was my first week ramped back up to 5 workouts and I feel really good. I did a lot of walking after three of the five, and I think that helped. I guess the older I get, the harder it is to get back into it. Gotta make sure I don’t take so many extended breaks in the future :)
  • Macgurlnet: I'm really hoping to it's just being out of shape. I hate going to the doctors and testing in general, but I've been so weak that it does worry me a bit. Jennybearlv: I started to do some youtube yoga in-between so we will see. After weights Wednesday (lower), Friday (upper), Sunday (bodypump class with almost…
  • If you want to wash every day maybe try something like “New Wash” from hairstory. It’s a non detergent shampoo that is great for my wavy frizzy hair, while being just enough of cleanser that my scalp doesn’t feel gross and sweaty. It’s expensive though, especially if you are washing every day. Maybe you can get away with a…
  • Ceviche is typically a good bet, since it tends to be fish or shrimp with an acid based dressing. Our local place does a ceviche salad that is amazing and skips a lot of the higher calorie adds (sour cream) with a lot of flavor and a full plate. My biggest challenge is avoiding the bowl of chips and salsa.
  • Something else as she gets a bit older is actually being responsible for a dinner a week. That is something she can take to her dads house as well. They likely do a lot of fast food because it's easy and available, once she is old enough to meal prep she will have more control. At her current age you can definitely get her…
  • I think you are on the right track. You aren't going to be able to change the world around her, or her whole other side of the family. All you can do is give her the tools she needs to be healthy and help her adopt habits that she will carry into adulthood. You can certainly bring it up with the ex, but really, it's not…
  • Seattlegirl25, maybe you should step away from the scale for a while and focus on some less weight oriented goals? Is there a way you can track changes in your metabolism? Maybe spend the next 6 weeks increasing your mileage and speed, intervals, etc, keep on track with your food tracking, and see how you feel? There is…
  • Sometimes you need to just ignore "hunger", because it really is easy to confuse with other feelings, not just thurst, but sometimes when my stomach is very acidic or hurts it seems like hunger, as does general anxiousty. If you have eaten a reasonable amount of food, then it's probably not hunger that you are feeling and…
  • Thanks, I upped my protein settings a bit. But you nailed it, I would much rather eat chicken then slurp down a shake, and I drink tons of water so don't really need the hydration of a shake.
  • I'm 5'6, started a 189, and have it set to lose 2 lbs a week. Initial 20 lbs was an interim goal, I would really like to lose 40 total (ie be about 150 lbs)