psychwardmascot Member


  • I'm in the same boat I think. I always mean to exercise, but I get distracted or forget. I guess what works best for me is when I walk places instead of driving. Trying to fit exercise into the day in little ways sounds like it might work, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or something. And message me any time…
  • I've got bi-polar and depression too, and I totally agree with mandy that it would be good to see a doctor about the mental health stuff if you haven't already. I've been on medication for a while and it helps, but it's hard to find what works. At times my medications have made me eat more though. Message me any time if…
  • Are you on ravelry? I'm sure you could find something there, in the mean time I'll take a look there and see what's available. edit: How does this pattern look? I haven't tried it, but it seems well written enough.
  • Hi, I'm Sophie and I've been knitting since I was around 6, and crocheting starting a little later. I spin quite a bit too, and I'd like to learn to dye. I gained some weight when I started taking a new medicine, and now I want to get back to a weight I feel good about.
  • Lambs Pride worsted of bulky, maybe too scratchy for some, it's 15% mohair, but super warm and comes in a bunch of great colors. Pretty reasonably priced too.