Sachiel_777 Member


  • greetings - I've been type II for about 4 years now. To stay in charge of it, you really have to own it and keep daily track of it. the phone app from this place is great for helping you keep track of what you are eating while you are eating it
  • I take my Januvia when I wake up. and metformin late afternoon. I inject 10-15 units of 25/75 humalog when I wake up and before I go to sleep (depending on BG levels). I also take an additional injection late afternoon 10-15 units (again depending on BG levels). When I exercise in the afternoon I find I do not need the…
  • thanks - I have the protein set at 55% and the fat set at 45%. I'll leave it like this unless my diet starts flashing red.
  • that's the highest reading I have ever seen - I too am very glad that you are here !
  • I meant I started at 256 pounds here, not 266. thanks for the welcome :) I love this app !! yeah - my carbs... this app tells me that 1 glass of mead is equal to 4 guiness blacks. I make my own mead, and mostly I give it away as gifts. Now I can just make more of my friends happy. Diabetes is a strange animal, and I am…
  • Greetings, I am Sadwyrn Emrys, a Druid, living between Taos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am a member of my local ADF grove, and I follow my own path with an Iberian Pantheon. I also like attending the open circles of a local group here. In NM most "pagan" people follow the path of new age spirituality/buddhism/hinduism ,…
  • Sadwyrn Emrys here (even though the account says Sachiel_777) I'm a Druid with an Iberian pantheon, and member of my local grove. It's good to find a group like this for support. Any pagan reading this is free to add me as a friend here. Salud !!!
  • I feel like an intruder, but since this seems to be the active pagan support group... Greetings ! I'm a guy (hence the intruder feeling), 43, Druid with an Iberian pantheon, and member of my local grove. Just waving hello, and any pagan who reads this is free to add me. the account name here Sachiel_777, but my chosen name…
  • hi - I'm new to the group as well. I'm Druid, but I love me some Wiccans :) I weigh 255 now and I am shooting for 185. My goal isn't to loose weight actually. My goal is to master my type2 diabetes, and part of that mastery is reducing body fat. any pagan reading this is free to add me as a friend here - I don't bite (just…
    in New Comment by Sachiel_777 November 2012