

  • I'm a full time college student.. Full credit hours, honor student, club member.. And before all that a mother to an awesome little girl :))
  • Zip lock baggy things are my best friend.. I take jello, nuts, a sandwich perhaps.. I bought those sunsweet ones prune things.. Not horrible, but that commercial is crap... Def doesn't taste like candy... I also always take the stairs ( if possible ) unless I have a class on the 9th floor or something... Ankle weights are…
  • I'm hoping to lose 30 before the end of March for a conference i'm attending.. If I do so i'm buying myself a dress.. I haven't bought or wore a dress in probably 5-7 years.. It's a HUGE step.. Once I hit like 50-60 a new tattoo :)
  • I exercise, i have an amazing core of friends who let me flip out on them ( they do the same in return lol ), take a nap ( if time permits ), chew gum, listen to my IPod, look at old pictures of myself ( to remind me why i'm doing this ), look at pictures of me now ( also a reminder ), to remember that I wanna be married…
  • Foo Fighters - the best of you Foo Fighters - All my life Foo Fighters - DOA Foo Fighters - The Pretenders Lifehouse - Take me away The Used - Slit your own throat The Used - Hospital Static X - Push it Gwen Stefani - What You Waitng For * I have all of M. Jackson's albums I listen to as well as The Beatles
  • OneADay Women's Active Body & Mind ( pretty much a multi ) and omega 3
  • This is def a good place to make friends and for the motivation! I'm new as well, and the first week has been amazing so far. Good luck:)
  • I have post it note things all over my room as well as older pictures... I also have jeans,shirts,skirts,suits,etc. that I refuse to get rid of.. Anything that helps is worth using, keeping, what not. Good luck!
  • I can so relate.. I've always been on the "heavier" side... We're both pretty much the same weight ( 266 ) with the same goal.. I've found it easier if you have encouragement and motivation! You can friend me :)
  • That's amazing! Def an inspiration :)
  • I can totally relate to the double chin, double everything scenario. I've actually gotten to the point where I can't stand to look at old photo's of myself lol. This is def a great site to be on though. Great diary as well as awesome people for encouragement! Good luck :)
  • Thank for the encouragement! I'm in denial and refuse to throw all my jeans that no longer fit away, so that's an excellent idea! Congrats, 11 lbs. in just over 2 weeks is fabulous!