Rae12 Member


  • speaking of skinny fat, i have a friend who's been a personal trainer for a long time and in his fitness world, that's what they're called. he says it's the skinny girl who can't run anywhere with no muscle tone.
  • i love this thread!! i've even gotten teary over some of them!! :) i won't post pics either, i'm not signed up with any of the photo sites. my husband's name is ryan and we're almost gonna hit our 1 year wedding anniversary. :) he is the most amazing guy. he's sensitive and considerate. he opens my door EVERY TIME! i LOVE…
  • p.s. i personally think being sensitive is a great trait! i would much rather kick it with sensitive people than with callous ones!! :smile:
  • i'm with you on this sister! i had all the same questions too at first, i wouldn't be surprised if we all did. and i read and read and got some info, now i don't read them anymore.
  • shake them crazy-mouthed haters off. for better or for worse, we're all in this together! (it reminds me of some tough love post someone will put up, some else will reply with "you tell them!" and i always want to ask the responder, aren't you a them too?) if we could figure this out on our own, we would've already! keep…
  • I have the same problem and have since quit counting weight loss by pounds. I was so frustrated seeing the scale change so much, even in just 1 day! I go by measurements now of belly, thighs and neck. :)
  • nice to read a post with so much love! and it's all the truth :happy: i needed to hear that and didn't know it! Thank you, thank you!!
  • me too sistah!! love it!!
  • fiber, fiber, fiber!! it's helped me immensely with some, um, *cough* problems i was having even if the fiber for losing weight issue is inconclusive. there is a ton of the stuff in fruits and veggies! love it. :)
  • That's great! I have been skeptical about eating enough calories for my bmr, MFP says I should be lower. But I know I'm eating below my maintenance calorie allotment, so here we go!!!
  • WOW!! What a great accomplishment!! all that hard work pays off!! you look fantastic! :)
  • hi Clewliss, thank you for being brave enough to share!! i wanted to be a runner and when i started i realized i didn't like running. so, now i walk to leslie sansone's videos a couple of days a week. i didn't necessarily feel better afterwards and had some weird muscle stiffness. so i tried a few other things, bootcamps,…
  • My first NSV victory was putting the scale away!! I allowed it to dictate how I felt about myself, so it turned from a tool to help into a tool to bludgeon myself with. When I saw this happening I knew I had to ditch it for now. I realized I only have control over how active I choose to be and what I eat, but the number on…
  • Happy birthday!! What a great gift to give yourself too!! Here's to health!!
  • I'm in also! I'm renewing my vows in Maui in July and I want to be beach ready. Some friends and I are having a little contest and this certainly can't hurt! Please add me!! I'm interested in losing 35 pounds by mid July and I'm started at 160- lost 3 pounds so far! Three Month goal: 145 Week 1 (1/7) - Week 2 (1/14) - Week…