Zumaria1 Member


  • That's awful. So sad you went through that. But something to remember: people only treat you the way you allow them to. There is a way to respectfully put Granny in her place. You could leave the store, and ask her to please not treat you that way, tell her how it makes you feel. Not sure of your family dynamics, but I…
  • Hello, a hot cup of tea with honey or without, is perfect for a nighttime treat. The hot liquid is soothing and because its hot, you take your time with it, so its like tricking your mind since you're sipping for a while. Also, make sure you drank enough water throughout the day, I noticed that days I didn't drink enough…
  • Zumba is the best workout for me, since I love to dance. It also burns tons of calories in a short time. I use the Wii version, and it tells you how many calories you burn per session.
  • Many diseases are actually a manifestation of some form of inflammation. Stress, especially long term chronic stress, can even cause an inflammatory response in the body. That is why exercise is so good, not just for weight loss but also the release of endorphins, which help to combat against stress that we all face on a…
  • Something that helped me is noticing when I personally feel most hungry, and organize my biggest meal at that time. For me, I am hungriest at noon, so I eat a bigger lunch, and have a small breakfast, and and medium dinner. Also, pick foods that are filling, but not calorie dense. For example, a glazed doughnut has about…
  • Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.
  • You can also drink tumeric tea as others have said. Whole Foods or some other natural stores sell raw fresh tumeric, you can grate it, boil it with water, and the taste is very mild and pleasant. I was surprised the first time I had some. It is excellent for inflammation.
  • Interesting. I think it also has to do with country/city. Many people with more of a country background, even if poor, will eat more fruits and veggies because they have access to them, or grew up eating them, while in the city, many will just go to their local stores where the produce is either too expensive or very poor…
  • I like Kale, but I LOVE Collard greens. I grew up eating both, and cooking both, but in the old fashioned Southern style. They taste awesome cooked for about an hour with some type of smoked meat, such as smoked turkey, or a good hickory smoked bacon. I hope and pray that they still retain their nutritional value lol. I…
  • I never struggled with weight until I got married 20 yrs ago, then gained 20 lbs from a combo of birth control and eating too much. Then, it stayed that way for 15 yrs, then lost it as a missionary walking everywhere and eating much healthier. Gained the same 20 lbs back from vacations over a 2 yr period and never lost it.…
  • Hello! I eat a lot of international foods and find that most items are actually already in the database. Or if not, I have googled the recipe and pasted the link in the Recipe section and add the portion to my food diary, that way its a more accurate read on what I'm eating.
  • Sardines in a can, if you like them, are an awesome source of protein. 13 grams in one can of sardines! Plus full of Omega 3 healthy fatty acids. They are also cheap and easy to carry around. Just have to have breath mints for the fishy breath lol. But it's worth it because sardines pack a serious punch. With crackers and…
  • To me, I guess it depends on what kind of white bread you are talking about. If its a prepackaged Wonder bread kind, I would pass. Why waste calories on that soft, limpy, soggy stuff??? However, if is freshly baked crunchy crusty Italian, French or Portuguese bread, I might make sure to save calories for that, lol. The…
  • LOVE Trader Joe's. I mainly go for pantry and snack/sweet items. Produce is generally cheaper elsewhere. My Favorites: Dark chocolate peanut butter cups (the best and satisfies the sweet tooth) Vanilla unsweetened almond milk Inner peas baked peas snack roasted red pepper hummus bag of arugula whole grain tortilla wraps…
  • Not sure if anyone mentioned lentils, but that is an item I absolutely love having in my pantry. They cook quicker than beans, and have lots of fiber and are very filling. I love to make them with onions, peppers, and dash of hot sauce and they are delicious! As far as all the snarky, obnoxious comments about clean,…
  • MFP has an awesome recipe calculator, and at first it can take some time, but once you have your recipe saved, any time you make it again you just click on it and put your serving size. I also don't count every single spice I use, I just make sure I count salt and any oils. Plus, if you are like me, you have a few key…
  • Yes, I totally understand, sometimes long days make you super hungry if you are running errands all day long! I would examine your schedule, and try to pay attention at what part of the day you are hungriest, and eat the majority of your calories at that time. For example, I usually have a 200-300 cal breakfast, but I'm…
  • I noticed that when I began exercising regularly, doing Zumba about 4 times a week, and counting my calories, I lost about all of my cellulite. Like you, I am curvy on the bottom, with hips and thick thighs, which is where my cellulite developed. I remember being shocked last summer when standing in front of a full length…
  • Hello!! I lived in the Caribbean for a few years and got to enjoy fresh papaya in the ripe and green stages. When its green, you can eat it in savory dishes, like you would make green or yellow squash, its very good sauteed with onions and butter. When its ripe it does smell like vomit to me(sorry but its the truth). But…
  • YUM and YUM! Looks great, and from the sound of it, tastes even better! Thanks for sharing.
  • Hello! Yes, I have actually found some studies since yesterday evening that I found to be quite fascinating, and which some here would probably find very interesting as well. I went into Google Scholar to look for more peer reviewed studies, and they have been doing studies with Chinese parsley and mice, one was dealing…
  • No actually, reading through the study, you will see that they after they saw the success with him eating the soup, they actually found a pharmaceutical company to make Chinese parsley tablets to distribute to the patients, and saw drastic improvements in expelling the mercury out in their urine.
  • Point well taken. I did further research and found this article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8686573 Would love to know what others think of this study.
  • I read through this entire thread and when I saw the heavy metals mentioned, I just did a quick google search and found what I thought to be some very interesting research being done on the subject. I posted links that showed some actual studies being done. Didn't even notice what or if any site was selling anything.
  • Well, based on the other comments actually thinking I'm trying to sell something, I'm just glad you read the links.
  • Wow. First of all, I don't sell anything, and yes, you are right, vitamin K helps the blood clot, I mistakenly put that it thins the blood, but people on blood thinners need to be careful because it works against the medicine they are on.
  • Juicing is a very powerful way to increase vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your body in a quick way. You also have to really know what you are doing, as some already mentioned about parsley. Kale when juiced, also should be taken in moderation because it contains huge amounts of vitamin K, which is a natural blood…
  • Just remembered: Wham! - Everything She Wants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf_Lwe6p-Cg I was 10 when this came out, so cheesy but loved it back then :)