People who follow the Just World Fallacy and assume that anyone who has had big setbacks or problems in their life just isn't strong enough, smart enough, or hardworking enough.
Open, friendly swordfighting instructor who later dies holding off 100 men by himself so the teenage cast can escape.
Initially shy, but then smooth af once they break the ice.
Cute babies!
Well, I am not by any means a fitness guru, but my question is why do you care? What in your head thinks it's more important to do something that's not "wimpy" than to do what you can handle while pregnant?
I adore water, and have been drinking mostly that since I was a kid- my problem is that sometimes I do crave a flavored beverage and finding one is hard- bubbles taste super weird to me since I'm not used to them. What I do currently is take one of my 52 oz big gulp containers and put in about 8 oz of fruit juice or diet…
My mom thinks I've lost "enough" weight. No mom, when I can buy clothes in a regular store and don't have a BMI that puts me into the "candidate for bariatric surgery" category, I will have lost enough weight, it is not natural to be in my late twenties and never have been below 200 lbs since puberty. Also, I have a…
This. It's like asking is wearing makeup vain? Also, I'll take a moment to point out that your physical appearance matters a lot in everyday life, and bodybuilding will help play into that- people perceive overweight people as more lazy, careless, sloppy, etc. and people who are considered attractive make more money, are…
To be honest I joined this site not too soon after a suicide attempt. I feel like even if I'm depressed, I want to be able to say "well, I hate my life but at least I look FABULOUS!"
This. It's especially bad with box meals, which are usually like 3 servings or so, but come in a single package. This article that's been reposted in this forum is my entire childhood. Whenever I'm very stressed, especially if it's for a long period of time with not…
I'm actually hoping losing weight will have the opposite effect- I'm overweight, I was raised by hippies and have a reasonably obvious mental illness, and I'm a ginger. I can't ever go anywhere and have people ignore me. I feel like if I took up less space and was more "average" sized, people would ignore me more.
There's a local call center that will hire anyone and fire anyone, I quit after two weeks for a really stupid reason. The first job I REMEMBER was at a bakery, and my boss there was an amazing person who taught me a lot of stuff I will never forget. Also, that was when I first lived on my own and I was allowed to take the…
Yep. I play the "guess my weight" game as often as I play the "guess my age" game. I also sometimes lie about my weight because I dislike people judging your health based on it alone. I'm around 250 and change, most people seem to either guess at around 175 or believe it when I lie. Also, this website is neat-…
Yeah... As someone who is told I'm cute but will never believe it because even when I had a 38 waist I was still only a C cup, This is what you're not understanding. Our entire culture pushes large breasts in proportion to the rest of you as like, the most sexy thing EVER. Having small breasts really really gets to some…
There's a listing on another calorie website and my boyfriend thought it was funny to log it without telling me." More or less this. I think 45 minutes of sex burns less than 45 minutes in the mall, sadly.
This, but in my opinion anyone who asks someone to buy a $200 or more dress for the privilege of sharing their special emotional moment with them is a bridezilla. It's not my wedding, and I refuse to pay half a month's rent for a dress I will never wear again because you don't trust me to dress myself.
At least one article I read had a physician suggest that the real power of Alli is keeping people from eating too much junk food by conditioning them to associate the high fat foods with the gross side effects. I read somewhere that the average american eats too much cheese, and could lose weight just from giving it up.…
This. A binge is when you cannot control yourself and are unable to stop eating- you don't even feel like eating anymore. A binge is when you throw up afterwards, or when you aren't even hungry but feel like you're panicking because you can't find the "right" thing to eat and your body isn't going to let your relax until…
Alli is the one that makes you get greasy diarrhea because it makes excess fat pass right through you, right? Google it. The descriptions are terrifying. Some people talk about wearing adult diapers while taking it. I'm a scorpio, so I'm 100% in favor of doing any crazy thing to achieve my goals. If I could afford to…
Buffalo are still endangered, aren't they? I would absolutely kill animals myself for food, but I'm in favor of Pleistocene rewilding, so probably not an actual buffalo.
This. I have summer SAD, and keeping a cup with a straw and ice in it around at all times has saved my life. Keep plenty of ice in your water in summer, which will make it taste awesomely cool and refreshing. In winter, make yourself cups of caffeine free tea whenever you come in from the cold. If you have a desk job,…
This, unless you live in Texas or California or something, I seriously can't see how once you factor in the plane ride, food, lodging, etc. the dental work is still cheaper. Also, it sounds like this is a cosmetic procedure? What do your teeth actually look like? Because if it's just one of those little things no one…
I see no problem from an appropriateness standpoint.
To some extent, this. Also, instead of having an app which appears not to work very well and which to be honest I would have a hard time trusting not to somehow work out to me losing more money that I was gaining no matter what goals I set- Why not just have some kind of "fitness poker" going on with friends? Like each…
I think part of it is that most people don't really care about calories unless they have a weight problem. Most of the people I know who are naturally thin and under 30 seem to see it that way. I sometimes would like to say something on nonspecial occasions, though- at my new job we literally can not take the stairs to our…
Assuming this is not a troll, It's because we are talking about pro anas, mostly. If I had someone on my F-list who was recovering from an eating disorder and talked about that, unless I somehow found that their posts were somehow triggering ED warning behaviors in me, I'd keep them. But there are a lot of people on this…
I love coconut oil! I apply it in the shower to my skin, it smells great and seriously keeps away dry skin. It's also good as an overnight deep conditioner for dry hair.
I've never taken 3 minutes to cross a local road. Like I said, I walk fairly quickly. I believe you may be trolling because I don't know how big a car would have to be that someone could possibly take three minutes to walk out of range of it so that the car could move again. I give myself plenty of time to get where I am…
Or, y'know, you could have gone elsewhere and purchased something which was custom made to your measurements with the same $700, looked like whatever you wanted it to look like, and then not had wedding dress angst to deal with?
I always walk quickly, but I'm not going to walk faster than I already do because I'm walking in front of you. You are already going 4-5 times faster than I am and need to just chill the hell out. Waiting for someone to cross the street isn't going to kill you. I have to wait to cross the road until you get out of the way,…