shellyp_ms Member


  • If you still need someone I would be happy to help. Getting back into the saddle myself. I used to be very good about logging and exercising, then life got in the way. I'm vegetarian, and started feeling tired lately. Noticed when I started logging again that I needed to improve the amount of protein I am getting. So that…
  • Yes Mame. I've been vegetarian for years. Switched a few weeks ago to total vegan. I am feeling great! Having fun finding creative ways to get my non vegan family to embrace some of my dishes. Son is now hooked on Nut Milks.
    in Vegan! Comment by shellyp_ms July 2017
  • Definitely in there with you. Have a goal of 100 pounds for myself.
  • I'd like to shed 100 pounds as well. I'm vegetarian, recovering from foot surgery - can't exercise much, and trying to eliminate carbs. Frustrated by the scale that toys with me two pounds up and down. I'd love to join the journey with the rest of you. I keep telling myself I got this way one bite at a time, and it is…
  • Hi Rcan64, I am a newby to the site but have been trying to eat clean for years. One of the best things I did was start buying food from a local coop. It is much fresher than what I can find in the local stores. I'm also vegetarian, that kind of forces me down the clean lines. I too am looking for ideas.
  • Try this, it has helped me. Draw in your lower lip. Then drop your head back on your shoulders. Stretching your front neck. Hold a fen seconds then return to normal position. Repeat 10 times.