Over 100lbs to lose, friends needed

haljouk Posts: 4 Member
Hi in the last 15 years I have got to goal weight twice and gained it back and more
First time I lost 126 lbs
Then put it all back
Second time I lost 130 lbs
I have put it all back on and more
this time I am going to keep it of I am changing me I am going to charge how I think of food , make a life charge.
If anyone has a lot to lose and wants to join me add me as a friend


  • graydreams
    graydreams Posts: 89 Member
    best of luck! you can do this, great message in your profile picture x
  • amtbhatnagar
    amtbhatnagar Posts: 94 Member
    adding u :-) will do it together good luck
  • Horses4Two
    Horses4Two Posts: 45 Member
    Sent you a request
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I too have well over 100lbs to lose. Much like you this is my third time going through the motions. Feel free to add me!
  • shellyp_ms
    shellyp_ms Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to shed 100 pounds as well. I'm vegetarian, recovering from foot surgery - can't exercise much, and trying to eliminate carbs. Frustrated by the scale that toys with me two pounds up and down. I'd love to join the journey with the rest of you. I keep telling myself I got this way one bite at a time, and it is going to have to come off the same way!
  • sfsoccermom2
    sfsoccermom2 Posts: 233 Member
    I have 120 to lose. Please add me. I'm also looking for accountability and keeping it off this time.
  • barberqueen5
    barberqueen5 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me! Love new friends!!
  • lookitsabbe
    lookitsabbe Posts: 2 Member
    What has continuously helped you shed the weight?
  • haljouk
    haljouk Posts: 4 Member
    Making very small goals 7 lbs at a time never look at the big amount you need to lose
    find new ways to make food you like eg cauliflower rice
    Still eat big meals so you don't feel you are missing out lots of low calorie veg ( I put a very big low calorie salad with a small piece of pizza so don't feel I am missing out on things )
    Homemade low calorie veg soup - fills you up ( I always had when eating out that night )
    When you stop losing normally your body is so used to having same amount of calories each day so have a high calorie day then a normal day then a very low day ( you have same amount you are meant to over 4 days but have high/normal /very low / normal day )
  • ATruckersWife15
    ATruckersWife15 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose, and I am almost 40 years old with a work at home desk job and 5 kids. I am so inspired by your motivation. This is my 3rd time around. I lost 100 lbs about 2 years ago, but have only added just enough back to make my 18's fit a little too snug (I hadn't been in an 18 since I was 15, and that was dropping from a size 38 jean). You are stronger than you realize, and I have faith in you that, this time, you will not only reach your goal, but surpass it, maintain it, and never gain it back again. Feel free to add me, if you like. We could all use the buddy system here...and Lord knows I need folks to slap the chocolate outta my hand.
  • aaagrish
    aaagrish Posts: 1 Member
    i have 100 lbs to lose as well. i am 40 years old and want to get this right. so the more help/support i can get would be great. just signed up today so i am unsure how to use this...don't know how to add people. i would like to team up with you guys!
  • edavison1911
    edavison1911 Posts: 1 Member
    Over 100lbs to lose, anyone want to buddy up and do this together? I need the help!
  • I have over a hundred to lose also.
    Feel free to add me x
  • porkneckbones
    porkneckbones Posts: 3 Member
    I have 156 lbs I need to lose as well!!! Anyone feel free to add me! I'd love to get to know everyone here! Let's help each other!! Like most of you I have lost 100 lbs before but gained it all back and then more!!! ; (
    I'm re-committing on losing it all again but gaining some friends in the process!
  • n4jehovah
    n4jehovah Posts: 1 Member
    haljouk wrote: »
    Making very small goals 7 lbs at a time never look at the big amount you need to lose
    find new ways to make food you like eg cauliflower rice
    Still eat big meals so you don't feel you are missing out lots of low calorie veg ( I put a very big low calorie salad with a small piece of pizza so don't feel I am missing out on things )
    Homemade low calorie veg soup - fills you up ( I always had when eating out that night )
    When you stop losing normally your body is so used to having same amount of calories each day so have a high calorie day then a normal day then a very low day ( you have same amount you are meant to over 4 days but have high/normal /very low / normal day )

    I am very encouraged by your post! I cant decide what diet to use. Just going by calories isnt working good. I seemed to lose some on Akins diet and Weight Watchers. Any suggestions? I weigh 303.7lbs. I want to lose 150lbs. Got a long way to go.
  • rlwat17
    rlwat17 Posts: 8 Member
    I have well over 100 pounds to lose. I would like more friends to share this journey with.
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    n4jehovah wrote: »
    haljouk wrote: »
    Making very small goals 7 lbs at a time never look at the big amount you need to lose
    find new ways to make food you like eg cauliflower rice
    Still eat big meals so you don't feel you are missing out lots of low calorie veg ( I put a very big low calorie salad with a small piece of pizza so don't feel I am missing out on things )
    Homemade low calorie veg soup - fills you up ( I always had when eating out that night )
    When you stop losing normally your body is so used to having same amount of calories each day so have a high calorie day then a normal day then a very low day ( you have same amount you are meant to over 4 days but have high/normal /very low / normal day )

    I am very encouraged by your post! I cant decide what diet to use. Just going by calories isnt working good. I seemed to lose some on Akins diet and Weight Watchers. Any suggestions? I weigh 303.7lbs. I want to lose 150lbs. Got a long way to go.

    Are you being accurate with your logging? Using a food scale is the only way to be for sure. Losing weight is not about cutting out certain foods, like carbs, or chocolate. You can whatever foods you want as long as you burn more calories than you take in. That's how you lose weight. If you not burning enough your not going to loose. Now don't get me wrong you can loose without exercise. Your body burns calories at rest. However if your eating a lot of calories it won't make a difference. MFP's settings are pretty good. So if I were you I would stick to those calories and keep going. Don't deprive yourself. If it fits in you calories for the day eat it. Good luck!!
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I had 103.6 lbs to lose when I started on April 1st, I still have 90.3 lbs to go.. :) So I will be at this awhile yet.

    I am using a fitbit Blaze to track my activity and eating at a 1000 calorie deficit. So, if I move more I eat more. I'm not logging my food here though, just at the fitbit site. I weigh and measure everything.
    I will warn you though that I do weigh in and log my weight every single day, so, if you don't want daily weights gumming up your feed you might not want me as a friend. :)