cdavis1511 Member


  • Height: 5'7" Before pic is from May 2014, but I started trying to lose weight at the beginning of September, SW: 209 CW: 190.2 A long way to go still.
  • Nice list you got going there \m/
  • BTW - plateau = "a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress" "A body plateau refers to a period of time in which your body no longer responds to your fitness or diet routine. ... A body plateau is often…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I see you realized it was the food scale I don't have. Will likely get one within the next week just because I really want to be using it. I am tracking my calories based on packaging/online information in an excel spreadsheet. All my BMR, TDEE, BMI, etc. numbers calculate as my weight…
  • I do not have a scale - my next "mini" reward is supposed to be one, if I can just get to that goal. I have just started tracking sodium, carbs, etc. So I do not know for sure if that's what's causing the problem. Before I was just tracking calories overall. But since hitting this wall I decided I needed to try and track…
  • Actually - I'm a few days late. I've taken a PT just to be sure, negative, so it should come any day. Hopefully that's what's causing this and once I get it I'll start losing again.
  • Belindi2014 - we are so close! I just have few more lbs to lose than you!!! ME: 26yrs 5ft 7in CW: 199 lbs GW: 140 lbs
  • D*o A*nything V*ery I*ntelligent S*mart (A**) Davis is my maiden name, kept it as my middle name when I got married because I just couldn't live without that motto :)
  • I try to be interactive with my MFP buddies - Add me if you're looking for support!
  • You've got this!
  • New pals are always welcome!!
  • Baby steps. Don't think about the total amount of weight you want to lose. Make mini goals, like try for 3 or 4 days of logging your meals this week or going for at least 3 walks this week. You don't have make your goals weight related. Start with healthier choices, and soon you'll see the weight loss follow. Also -…
  • Your post brought tears to my eyes. I can feel your struggle and all I can say is don't give up on yourself. You're obviously a strong person with a lot on your plate. You've beaten cancer, want to help your dad, and be a positive role model for your children - just keep all of that in mind when you feel like you can't…
  • ^this - thank you
  • When I feel yucky on the outside I try to remember the good things on the inside. You always have to find something positive. Stay positive and you'll stay motivated!
  • YOU are an inspiration. Your wife is in my prayers. I lost my mom just over a year ago to GIST (gastrointestinal cancer). My dad still says he always thought she would outlive him by 20 years (he'e the one with high blood pressure, etc.) Now my dad is almost 60 and walking/jogging everyday so he can be healthier. My dad…
  • My husband keeps telling me I stink from sweating after a workout! I don't necessarily like to hear that I stink - but my goal recently is to be stinkier (it means I'm working harder, right?) (Side note: It's not a malicious tone - just lighthearted teasing)