

  • Ok, I am a huge sugar addict and wanted to retrain my body to stop craving it. It's an addiction, like anything else. Our body doesn't need it. Natural sugars as well. Sugar is sugar. Our bodies have a hard time processing it. Of course sugar in fruit is easier on the system than refined sugars. But in the end, our bodies…
  • Well like I said, I've lost almost 100.. Through exercise and lowering the carb intake over time... Each time getting lower. Was at a weight loss plateau for two years. Just toning up more but nothing lost. And finally I had a break thought by keeping carbs below 120.. Usually 50-80 a day. Started losing weight again.. The…
  • Man I hate auto correct......
  • I've been at this weight loss thing a long time now and it's all been a matter of trial and error for me. I can tell you keeping your carb intake below 120g a day and your sugar below 15g a day, will help you to lose the bulge. But trying to keep it to the minimum on sugar is best. Drink plenty of water as well. Everyone…
  • Sugar is sugar. Natural or refined. It's all the same to the body. Eat a banana or a snickers bar. Your blood sugar will react the same way. Of course there's more nutrition in the banana. But hey are both sugar. Seriously...check out the ebook. It's very informative. Things I already knew, but just had a hard time…
  • Also, bananas are extreme in sugar. Berries are lowest. Blackberries are the perfect low sugar snack. Add a little light whipped cream, or my favorite, homemade whipped cream, completely sugar free, and you have a nice little dessert.
  • I read a very inspirational ebook. "I quit sugar" by Sarah wilson. I never thought it could be possible...I know for a fact that I will have sugar again, but this book trained me to get over cravings for junk, sugar, name it. I've been able to keep my carbs low, and my sugar to under 5g a day or so. Some days…
  • And you won't bulk up. Women don't have the testosterone levels like men do. So you will build lean muscle. And the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Don't be surprised if you do everything right but see a small gain on the scale. Just means you are adding muscle. I used to weigh 270 pounds. I had gotten down to…
  • I would go to the store first and see what you can lift. Start with 5s. Do 12-15 reps. If they're to light and you aren't struggling at the end, then you need to up the weight to 8 or 10. You might even be stronger than that. But you want to aim for 12-15 reps per workout. With proper form. If you struggle, then the weight…
  • Just venting.... I look at it as a quick fix. Not the easy way out, but definitely the LAZY way out. I was 270 at my heaviest. Surgery NEVER crossed my mind. I stepped up and took responsibility for what I had done to myself. There is no excuse. I can see if the person is like 400+ pounds and can't move....but change your…