mainsqueen Member


  • day 8 on saxenda I am aged 57 and have upped dose to 0.6 + 4 clicks so far not much happening but I have noticed a slight change in my appetite and have noticed that my ears are bit clogged and I have the beginning of uti but that might not be saxenda, has anyone lost much weight yet
  • keep track of your food diary try cutting out fat and sugar from your diet and just eat healthy foods without adding fats, make sure you plan your meals so it keeps you motivated, try cutting down on bread and high carbs foods. good luck
  • well done on losing 20 lbs so far so good i am also on phentermine and so far have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks, i am going for early morning walks for 20 minutes and again early evening just do what you can every little walk or moving will help shift that weight .
  • so far im on track i have lost 12 and a half pounds up to end of march and have struggled with the last bit for two weeks but no more messing about back on track with 2lbs a week for my 1st Goal for June so keep on trying
  • so far lost 5 half lbs i want to lose 9lbs for end of march and its doable if i keep focused have started going to slimming world for motivation and using vibro plate also walking more x
  • hi i am on the same journey as you are and am trying to lose weight i have been playing at it for the past 7 months but now have my head in the right place as far as losing weight is concerned so far 1 have lost 6lbs and am on track for more i am determined to do this this time you can do it keep in mind first 10 lbs will…
  • Good luck on your plan
  • thankyou so much for your comments i have had a hard time with xmas but am back trying again and am more determined to do well so up and at it x
  • i have heard this also and am going to try it along with 5-2 fast so on fast days just follow the milk diet and see how i get on... no haters please or negative comments
  • sorry its taken so long to get back to you, I couldnt find my discussion lol no use in forums not sure how to do it x I have still been trying to lose weight but only lost 1lb this month its just not good enough is it i am still so up and down with my emotional eating but i am still trying to do this, thankyou for your…
  • thankyou for that I was needing it, I am back on track now its coming of slowly, and going swimming twice a week now and still going for my early morning walks, eating wise I am trying harder not to make the wrong choices fingers crossed I can do this.
    in wls Comment by mainsqueen September 2014