Gastric Sleeve

hello I am very new at this. I must say I have no idea how to find the chat rooms or other things. I am getting ready to have the gastric sleeve surgery. I have passed all the test and now I am working on the weight loss requirments. I must lose 30 pounds and then be on a liver reduction diet for 2 weeks. I hope I can get some support from this site. Please add me as I need all the support I can get.


  • mainsqueen
    mainsqueen Posts: 14 Member
    hi i am on the same journey as you are and am trying to lose weight i have been playing at it for the past 7 months but now have my head in the right place as far as losing weight is concerned so far 1 have lost 6lbs and am on track for more i am determined to do this this time you can do it keep in mind first 10 lbs will be easy then set another goal of 10lbs i have joined slimming woorld and the support is tremendous it is going to keep me on track to lose my 10 per cent weight loss i have to lose to get surgery x
  • Jessicadmx
    Jessicadmx Posts: 28 Member
    I just had the gastric sleeve 2 weeks ago. Good luck!!!