My doctor has me on the pill...then for hair we tried vanquia, but it resulted in me breaking out in hives. Therefore I'd rather wax twice a week. I have always had problems with make-up and medications, allergic to everything, so I have chosen to just stay on the pill because I know I won't get hives or have my throat…
Heya! I was diagnosed 10 years ago...when I needed to buy my own wax machine I figured it was time to go to the doctor. Haha. I was always disgustingly skinny up until my mid 20s then all hell broke lose. I fell off my horse and busted up my back, got pretty sick and then everything started to change. I went from 115 (way…
Haha...Im a 38DD. I have yet to find a sports bra that I can ride my horses in and not bounce. So when I practice its a minimizing bra with a size too small sports bra over it. When I go to a horse show I do an ace bandage plus duct tape.
No short guys...and if they cant see It I dont wanna see it.
My dogs are perfect all the time.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I just divorced Shrek...he was their leader...
I got jumped outta my tack going over an oxer when I was a teenager and actually popped my hip has popped in and out since. I finally went to a doctor and was told eventually I'll be Rest up! If it persists...see a quack ;-)
I signed a piece of paper and lost 400 pounds immediately...seemed like a good start so I got to work... (divorce)
Hee hee...does not look good in all sizes...but we have to wear them...ew
No not really a big difference if you take a look at what most people are wearing. If you have full seat tailored, yes...most made lately are glorified spandex and not all have patches. (See Kerrits) Inner thigh padding is only on fullseats and not the norm. I've been wearing them for 25 years...and there are some that I…
I have to wear flesh colored skin tight pants all the time...riding breeches...
One change I would make: Add diced tomatoes to your lettuce at the end...happiness...
My morbid curiosity got the best of me so I made it. rocked. I have not had a Big Mac in 10 years...
LOL...I have been the butt of my mother's fat jokes my entire life. Even when I was so skinny people thought I had an eating disorder anytime I picked up anything to eat...somewhere she was moo-ing or pointing it out and making a fat joke. So I ate the cookie and renamed her "Moo" instead of "Mom." She also once called her…
So trip and fall on them...crush them...and they'll die! HAHAHAHAHA... Oh wait...that's me...hee hee...
Ha ha...thanks...really, I have a lot of patience, just not for stupid people.
There may me more of me than I'd like...but that situation was proof that some people should not reproduce :-P
I was standing in a line at a horseshow (bathrooms) once and this little brat kid would not stop kicking the back of my boots. I turned around and glared at him and his idiot mother twice and she just smiled at me. The third time I spun around got in the kids face and said "Kick me again and I will fall on you. I will…
Pigs in general creep me out. I don't eat pigs. Bacon comes from a bacon plant.
1 & 12. Cool hat!
No. I'd rather die. Cows are here to make me happy...just in moderation.
One thing? ME! (I think very highly of "Me" as a whole.)
Hate lettuce. Any salad without lettuce. Just give me all the other stuff...tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cheese... I love to go out and order salads without it. The waitress always looks at me like I have a thumb coming out of my forehead.
5'10.5" - and if I am not wearing riding's 3" heels. I LOVE being tall.
My ex husband bought Insanity when I told him I was off like a prom dress. So the week I was moving out I got to the house and he had it on the big screen...he had knee pads and elbow braces on...and was sitting on the couch eating a pound bag of twizzlers in his underwear. Last I saw didnt seem to be working for…
I dont get emotional. I am a logical, blunt, sarcastic, mean girl.
SHOES. help me decide between a new gym or another horse. I am really leaning towards a horse...
I get that. As a Chicago raised yankee...I do not date Cubs fans.
Good start...but not quite worth ditchin my friend for...
Absolutely...especially of you get creative!