Alatariel75 Member


  • So I had the 'rona in late July, knocked me out for about 10 days and took most of August to start feeling "normal". Then around 2 weeks ago, I started feeling like I had it again, exactly the same symptoms. Kept testing negative, for 'rona and everything else, but it was all back - the cough, the exhaustion, the razor…
  • Super weird that this thread was resurrected by someone whose 3 of 4 other posts were resurrecting zombie threads about waist trainers back in July.
  • I just had chicken tenderloin and shrimp tossed in Greek seasoning and shallow fried with a delicious Greek salad (romaine, cucumber, red onion, cherry tomatoes, Kalamata olives and feta cheese a in a lemon garlic dressing. I'm stuffed!!
  • I keep my carbs and sugar low, but don't follow any set plan - I just prioritise veg and meat/eggs, keep an eye on the starchy veg, generally avoid pasta, bread and rice, or will use 1/2 pasta or rice and 1/2 riced cauli or other veggies. I've pretty much cut out sweet as I'm garbage at moderating them. I've never been a…
  • I need to get my motivation up to walk more on work from home days. In the office days aren';t a problem, I love to walk on my lunchbreak and am lucky to be driectly across from some gorgeous parklands. On WFH days I walk the dog, but he's lazy and likes to sniff (and I like to let him) so it's hardly a walk, more like an…
  • I've posted here before but then fell off the wagon ( not just the booze wagon, the while MFP wagon), so in back. Stopping regular weekend alcohol consumption is my number 1 route to success. I'm not looking to teetotal, but if like to be someone who only drinks at events. It's hard because my husband drinks, and my whole…
  • One thing that actually DOES show up on the scale the next day is sodium - and eating out generally means a bunch of it! I can see a 4lb "gain" the day after a salty meal, but the key is to know the cause and know it isn't a 'real' gain but a bloat gain. I can tell when I have a sodium bloat on because of the way my rings…
  • This is me also. I combat this by, as Ann says, creating a calorie bank. My goal is just shy of 1500, and during the week I eat around 1200 and don't eat any exercise calories back (I do not exercise at a level that I believe requires it, yet). On the weekend, I still mind my P's and Q's (no calorie bank will be big enough…
  • Are you asking for suggestions, or celebrating a healthy meal? To get the best out of the forums, remember that there are other people just like you answering, so posts that are more like a Google search might not get you the response you are looking for :)
  • Food or weight?
  • Alternatively, I don't know how accurate it was, but it was funny, I once stood on the scale and weighed, then got my husband to hold my boobs up and see what the different was lol
  • Yup, putting aside ALLLLL the other complicated biological functions, it takes food up to 3 days to fully pass through the digestive system. You can't think of it in terms of "I ate X calories yesterday, I weigh X lbs today, therefore eating X causes Y" because the truth is wildly more complex.
  • Yup, and private clinics like Juniper are charging $13 a day to prescribe it for weight loss!
  • MFP = My Fitness Pal GP = General Practitioner. In short, don't trust MyFitnessPal to tell you how much iron you're consuming and therefore whether you need more - if you're concerned about a deficiency, see your Doctor for tests and have them advise on how much you should be consuming per day.
  • I think I'm sitting at about 12... It's just so good.
  • Fleeting enthusiasm, maybe? "Today's the day! I'm going to do this! I'm going to beat my Whopper and cigar addiction! Here I go!!..... ohhh... there's a Burger King...."
  • In Australia there's actually a shortage of this drugs for use in pre-diabetics, because it's being used so heavily for weight loss purposes, largely thanks to viral Tik-Toks touting it as the latest thing.
  • Just FYI, a vast number of entries in the database don't have the nutrients entered, either because the person adding them wasn't tracking or - more likely - the information wasn't included on the label. Generally, unless you are confirming that every entry you use has accurate information for nutrients, the totals for…
  • Sure, why not? Ham is also pretty low calories, depending the type. Can bump your sodium though, if you're worried about that.
  • Hon, you REALLY need to start assessing where you get your information from a little better. There's a lot of lies, and misinformation out there and you need to apply some critical thinking and research, and not just blindly go along with something you see online.
  • This. My boobs get bigger every time I gain weight and DON'T shrink when I lose weight. Once I hit 'goal' I reckon I might look at a reduction. Other people I know, the boobs are the first things to go. You can't spot reduce, you can't spot retain, fat does what fat does.
  • Alcohol. Both while I'm drinking it, and when I'm suffering the after effects of it.
  • Ugh, sadly I saw a dietitian recently who couldn't have been more than mid-late 20s (so fairly recent graduate) who gave me the whole "fat makes you fat, always choose the low fat alternative" spiel. There's a chestnut I wish would die.
  • Yup, I'm back in the office 4 days a week even thought I don't need to be because working from home was making my lazy, unfit, and antisocial. I *know* that I could be fitting in workouts rather than commutes. I *know* I have more time to eat healthy. But what was happening is I was at my desk longer, my incidental…
  • Well, this doesn't seem creepy at all. Excuse me while I go get some free candy from what white van painted with "fReE CanDY"
  • LOL it's aged longer, so it's got a stronger, bitier flavour. Regular Tasty cheese is just standard cheddar.
  • And sometimes they're just plain wrong and MFP doesn't fix them even though you go to the trouble of following the process to report it and give them the right info: Trust me, this extra tasty cheese is NOT cereal, is not 160 cals a cup, does not have 34g of carbs and certainly doesn't have only 2g fat *eyeroll*.
  • I was put on Topomax for chronic vesibular migraine. The migraines were easier to live with, the Topomax helped me lose weight, but it also almost made me lost my job. Dreadful side effects.
  • There are SO MANY things they could improve and release for Premium. Taking a key feature that's been around forever and making people start paying for it is pure laziness.
  • Or the 'verified' entries in the database, reported this pearler a couple months ago now: