Gall bladder removal - what was your experience?
Health related question and not weight loss related. I'm having my gall bladder out laproscopically on Friday, it will be my first every surgery. Lots of online resources on what recovery looks like, but I'm an "as many details and as much info, and consider as many possibilities as possible" person, so I'm curious - other…
Reduce the number of flags to hide spam
I was on the boards when the flag system for spam was implemented and it worked great - 5 flags, spam hidden. But in those days there were a LOT more people using the forums. These days, it is much, much quieter and there don't really appear to be any moderators anymore, and spam is sitting there for hours and hours with…
So I just did something bananas...
As of today, 2 September 2024, I am 116kg, unfit, can't jog around the block. Have just started walking regularly again (I do have walking stamina), but hills are still a challenge. I just bought tickets to do a 25km trail run in outback Australia in May 2025. That's 39 weeks to go from a couch potato to someone who won't…
Supplements (collagen/glucosamine/fish oil) and water retention
So I've had a 2kg jump on the scale lasting multiple days for no reason, and all I can think is that I started back up on my collagen/glucosamine/fish oil after a period of not taking it. Otherwise, I've eaten within my calories (a few high days but more than covered by some big exercise burns) and nothing's changed from…
Recipe builder on the Android app only gives single measurement option
I've been noticing this for ages, but I have the time now to raise it. On the Android app, I use the bulk import ingredients. It returns me my results, and I go to change the amounts. Every single time, and every single item, there is only one option for measurement, usually a cup if it is a green checked item, or whatever…
Learning to relax, truly relax
So I've generally throughout life been pretty lazy when it comes to structured movement and exercise, and when I have done it, the results I've gone for are cardio fitness or building strength. More mindful exercise, yoga etc, has never really appealed. But after a hellish year or so, I've realised I need to start looking…
Limit on number of new threads in a time period
How can these spammers post dozens of new threads in minutes? Does Vanilla not have the basic ability to limit how many threads a poster can start in a period of time? I ran a forum in 2004 that had that functionality. No poster has any legitimate reason to start more than a couple new threads every 15 minutes, and even…
Withings scale accuracy for TRENDS
Question for people who may have done more research than I - I know that the bathroom scales that profess to tell you your muscle/fat/water breakdown are little more than a gimmick when it comes to a snapshot of your body composition, but are they any more accurate when it comes to tracking a trend long term? Below is my…
Al's "I would have put this in my newsfeed" thread
I keep having these random thoughts I'd once have posted to my newsfeed and now there's nowhere to put them, so here's my thread! All engagement and comments are welcome, but this is also just generally my brain-dump. I got on the scale this morning after 3 days away for work, where I made good food decisions, including…