Recipe builder on the Android app only gives single measurement option

Alatariel75 Posts: 18,649 Member
I've been noticing this for ages, but I have the time now to raise it.

On the Android app, I use the bulk import ingredients. It returns me my results, and I go to change the amounts. Every single time, and every single item, there is only one option for measurement, usually a cup if it is a green checked item, or whatever the user entered for other items.

I then have to click "replace item" and in the list of suggested items, the top one is the **exact same item it matched in the first place** except that this time, it has all of the different options available (cups, mls, grams etc etc).

It is REALLY annoying, because I basically have to "replace" every matched item with the same entry, but I need to go through this process to be able to choose anything but the default measurement option.

Just to be clear - it isn't matching items that only have one measurement option. It is matching items, usually green check ones, which do have a whole bunch of different measurement options in the database, but it's only allowing me to use the default option. Then, when 'replaced' with the exact same entry, I can access all the different options.